Welcome to the Brave New World


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This father was snapping pics of his own kids when he came under verbal attack from other people who called him a "pervert".

Gee I wonder if they will now raid his three room apartment "compound" and take the kids.


Report: Father Labeled a 'Pervert' for Taking Pictures of Own Children in Park
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

An outraged father of three enjoying a day out with his young sons in a U.K. park was branded a "pervert" by other parkgoers after he snapped photos of his own kids, the Daily Mail reported Tuesday.

Gary Crutchley, 39, was photographing his two youngest sons Cory, 7, and Miles, 5, on an inflatable slide when a woman running the slide asked that he stop. When he protested, other families waiting on the slide line also demanded he put the camera away.

One woman accused Crutchley of taking photos of children to put on the Internet and called him a pervert, he told the Mail.

The accusations got so out of hand that Crutchley had to get two policemen to confirm he had done nothing wrong, the paper reported.

"What is the world coming to when anybody seen with a camera is assumed to be doing things that they should not?" Crutchley asked in an interview with the Daily Mail. "This parental paranoia is getting completely out of hand. I was so shocked."

Click here to read more on this story from the Daily Mail.
'It is very sad when every man with a camera enjoying a Sunday afternoon out in the park with his children is automatically assumed to be a pervert." - Quoteth the father in question.

Been there. Done that. Chalked it up to parental paranoia.

*Aside: Brave New World isn't the best title for the thread, especially considering how sex and even sex amongst children is treated in the book.
I get the same looks walking in/out of my daughter's daycare, or chasing my daughter
in the park, or tickling her. All men are potential pedophiles, it seems. A shame.
I get the same looks walking in/out of my daughter's daycare, or chasing my daughter
in the park, or tickling her. All men are potential pedophiles, it seems. A shame.

Remember when, I believe it was at Brown University, the rad femmes posted the names of every man on campus on a poster declaring each and every one of them as a potential rapist?
Remember when, I believe it was at Brown University, the rad femmes posted the names of every man on campus on a poster declaring each and every one of them as a potential rapist?
Not really...but it sounds like something a radical anything would do.

I took a course at Uni where I was the only male in the classroom. Just raising my hand guaranteed a loud and poisonous argument....even if I was agreeing. Most entertaining class -- ever!
Simple enough... turn down the national paranoia levels from eleven back to 5 or 6.

I see a huge difference between national paranoia (to use your word) over attacks against us & national paranoia over legal matters.
I see you supporting the ability to imprison US citizens indefinitely without charges and then bitching about your liberty.
Ya know, I used to think you're an ignorant misinformed fool.*Edit*

How many US CITIZENS are imprisoned, as you described?
I see a huge difference between national paranoia (to use your word) over attacks against us & national paranoia over legal matters.

The point is, when you foster a fearful attitude over a specific topic (Terrorism f'r instance).. you can't expect it to not wash over into other areas.

There are many little things that people are afraid of, or become afraid of because of things like 'fear of strangers' - Halloween candy being a good example of this. These normally start in densly populated areas..where you're forced to live close to many people you don't know or understand. It causes stress which turns into fear (often irrational).

People fear Halloween candy. People fear the 'rapist jumping from the bushes' (when 95% plus of rapes are people known by the victim). People fear all sorts of stuff...

The Kiddie porn issue is one of the latest things to fear.
Some strange man will post pics of my kids on the internet!! OMG!!

Kidnapping children is one of the latest I've heard mentioned in the news. Which, as I understand, forced car manufacturers to put a trunk release on the inside of the trunk...just in case. GVT Enforced! Canada's doing the same by 2010.
Ya know, I used to think you're an ignorant misinformed fool. Now I know it.

You're one of the blind inept brain damaged dumbasses that allowed this to happen.

How many US CITIZENS are imprisoned, as you described?

Hard to tell isn't it? One is far too many though *edit*. Don't even bother to talk to us about liberty anymore when you so freely give yours up.
That's pretty much name calling. Please don't make me have to remember that i still moderate this forum.
You noticed the name calling /insults from the Admin right?

Looks like he's trying to set a precedent.