Ardsgaine said:
Professur said:
BTW, not to throw Jer a rope, but your step-dad would be receiving a disability pension.
That's a pretty strong rope.
I saw it before he posted it
your narrow mindness on this subject is overwhelming me, jerrek
Now I'm narrow minded because I don't share your opinion?
how the hell can you judge these people so hard?
That isn't judgment. I'm making a statement that I do not support any form of socialism where you steal from hard working citizens to give to the poor people, whether they are too lazy to work or whether they just can't because of a situation out of their control. Remember, the government FORCES people to do that. I give away 10% of my income to charities. I do not mind helping people. But you cannot force people to help other people.
why should we be satisfied with a world where there is such big difference between rich and poor?
Because one might work 60 - 70 hour weeks and one might sit on the street and do nothing.
why the FUCK would anyone buy 15 cars for example, while other people are starving to death?
Maybe because he is a car designer and wants to examine all 15 cars? Maybe because he publishes articles concerning cars? Maybe for pleasure? Regardless of what it is, IT IS HIS CHOICE because it is HIS MONEY. By your argument, YOU can decide whether someone is sufficiently well off to be stolen from. So, suppose someone with 15 cars live on your street. Does that give you the right to steal from him, whether it be a car or a hubcap? NO. You CANNOT think you have the right to spend other people's money. It is theirs to do with how they see fit.
Do you think I would spend millions on myself? No. I'm not that type of person. If I made millions, a lot of it would go to other people. Make no mistake, I will live comfortably, but I will decide ON MY OWN who I want to support.
i'm not poor. not at all. but i DO pay quite some money to support people who can't support themselves. why? because they weren't as fortunate as i am, to be born in a rich society, and to have the opportunity to go to college and get a decent job.
Being rich is NOT a prerequisite to go to college OR get a decent job. I'm sorry, but it just isn't.
if YOU were in a bloody car accident, and and up in a wheelchair, with no ability to use your legs or arms, and you were no longer able to fullfill your job, and would have to cut back drastically on your pretty life, you'd be GLAD to receive some money.
True, but I will accept insurance money. Not money stolen from people that work hard. I might even accept charity if I really need it, but I would NOT expect everyone in society to suddenly feel sorry for ME because of MY badluck. I just don't see myself as important enough.
you say you are a poor student.
perhaps you don't have much money, but by saying you are a poor student only shows you don't have the slightest idea of what being poor really is.
Poor in Canada. THINK. I compare myself to my peers. My society. I don't live in Africa, so I don't think in terms of them. And before you attack me on that, why don't YOU send 99% of your money to Africa to support a few hundred people? Even just 50 cents a day can make a difference.
that's quite remarkable, since you've been to one of the most poor countries in the world.
i hope you're happy with your pathetic selfish life.
Who is the judge now? Selfish? I don't think of myself as selfish. But since you don't give 99% of your money away either, well, I'm not going to call you selfish.
And yes, thanks, I'm rather content with my life except that I don't make enough money just yet. Need to work harder.
No one wants to argue with me though
Because you're right