Well, I opened up a checking account

what is so special about a checking account? :confuse3:
have had one since i was 12...it's just a medium to get collect/send out money...don't really see the big deal :shrug:
Shadowfax said:
what is so special about a checking account? :confuse3:
have had one since i was 12...it's just a medium to get collect/send out money...don't really see the big deal :shrug:

To me, a checking account means more problems than solutions.
I don't know about you, but there are certain things that I will not/cannot pay with cash or by debit. My rent for example. Give your landlord cash, they claim they never got it, what recourse do you have?

Cancelled checks can be a Godsend. Besides the fact that it looks good for you overall credit-wise if you have a checking and savings. I think when you get older, more self sufficient, and have more bills, it's a neccessity.
Jeslek said:
Nah Gonz, cash is king.

Ever tried to pay an electric bill with cash? Good fucking luck, and enjoy your afternoon standing in line.

And if you try to mail cash, you deserve to get ripped off.
HomeLAN said:
Jeslek said:
Nah Gonz, cash is king.

Ever tried to pay an electric bill with cash? Good fucking luck, and enjoy your afternoon standing in line.

woah, i can pay (with cash of course) electricity, cable, telephone and water in less than 1 hour :eek:

gf, you have a point about being able to prove things, however, things are different around here, most people honour their words just to avoid problems.
You can get around the honor thing by demanding receipts, but around here, no one besides retailers are really equipped to handle cash transactions anymore. Check, credit card, or e-payments are your only effective options.
Give your landlord cash, they claim they never got it, what recourse do you have?
Ask a receipt.

Ever tried to pay an electric bill with cash? Good fucking luck, and enjoy your afternoon standing in line.
Well yes, I can see your point here. But hydro I pay online directly form my bank account using the bank's onling banking service.
HomeLAN said:
Ever tried to pay an electric bill with cash? Good fucking luck, and enjoy your afternoon standing in line.
You know, our gas company doesn't even have an office in town?
Neither does ours. The closest office that you could pay cash at is about 100 miles away, in St. Louis. The electric is easy though, City Hall takes care of that. In fact, I could probably go all cash except for the Gas Co.
I've always had landlords that owned the house that I rented space from (never an apartment building). They're not equipped with numbered legal receipts and they don't live in the area either. I'd have to mail cash and hope that he would send me back a receipt? I'd rather not take my chances especially with the absentee landlord that I have. ;) It's just smarter to pay rent by cash.

Also, many of the stores around here won't accept a debit card unless your total order is more than $10.00 If I'm just buying a gallon of milk from the corner store, I have to make sure I have cash. Most of them have ATM's in the store too but then you get charged a fee because you're not withdrawing from your own bank. Until we become a cash-free society, I think all of it is neccessary--cash, debit/credit cards and checks alike.
greenfreak said:
Most of them have ATM's in the store too but then you get charged a fee because you're not withdrawing from your own bank.

They tried that over here but there was such a public uproar that most banks no longer charge - we have Link ATMs. Also, if you stay in credit most banks have fee-free accounts and with mine, if I have more than £500 paid in each month, I have a £300 overdraft facility that I could draw on if necessary. I don't pay for cheques or deposit books and I get a small %age interest on my balance every month. :)
Over here, most landlords and apartment management companies will only accept payment by check or money order. If one check bounces, even if it's not your fault, it's money order only for the rest of your occupancy of the apartment.

Paying every bill via cash (like almost all of my in-laws do) is a lot easier in a place like Fresno because all the utilities have offices here.

But even if you don't have a car, there are places all over you can go to to pay the bill... but they charge a fee. Right across the street from my apartment is a place called Money Mart. They do payday loans, check cashing, bill payments, etc. They even have a rapid refund-style tax refund loan. All of it costs you dearly, of course. Places like that are set up specifically to prey on those who can least afford it... but those who can least afford it are the ones who usually have no choice but to take out a $255 loan to pay the minimum amounts to keep the disconnection notices for all the utilities at bay... and then pay back $300 when the next paycheck comes in, only to renew the loan and get $255... then have to pay back $300 later, at which point the person renews the loan and gets $255... and then pays back $300... I think you see how the cycle works here. Usually, the person can't break out of the cycle because his check barely covers the amount of the payday loan, so he has to take out another one to pay the other stuff. And since Fresno is such an impoverished area, it's easy to see why there's one on almost every corner.
I hate banks....they Wells Fargo really pisses me off....they don't know whats going on.

everytime my parents submit our house payment they loose it....and i once went there with $900 cash to deposit...and they lost it......so i'm going to stick with BANKS CAN KISS MY ASS!
Gonz said:
Worth every penny...fewer mistakes & yo don't need to spend $10. to get a copy.
The bank says I'll be able to get copies for free. Besides, I need to save every penny I get. I am literally scraping pennies and nickles and dimes off the window sill to deposit in my account.