What are you doing RIGHT NOW?

Spot said:
just got home from work and took the trash out.
debating which i want more, a bowl of premium ice cream or a rum & coke.

Got a blender? A little rum in ice cream is excellent. ;)
rum & coke! :headbang: my all-time favourite :headbang:

It is now 09:47 in the morning, I'm reading my emails, posting on OTC (duh), cleaning my forum-message-notification-application which I made for another forum, listening to my boss every now and then, and trying to get myself to actually start working :gmorning:

Oh, and I'm going trough my daily comic-reading-routine at the moment, only three to go, this one, this one and another which I can't give the link of because it's against the AUP ;)
It's 2:30 A.M. ,just got home from work and I'm eating a Blueberry bagel while checking BulletinBoards.Tonight Show with Jay Leno (a repeat from last Wed) is on at 3:30 after that its bedtime.
8:24 am

work called and asked me to come in early. typing this with one eye open.
think i may break down and get a coffee on the way in...
920 am ... chilly house. First real cold snap has hit. House has dropped 12 degrees in 2 days. Wondering if I should kick the heater on or not. Wondering if I should make coffee or an arugala salad.
Its quite the little shocker down here because we just came down from steady 22-25 C. We havent adjusted to the cold yet.
Lovely sunny day here. Which is good because yesterday's weather was possibly the shittiest I've ever seen...and I live in ENGLAND.
I live next door, and the weather was quite nice this morning, sun was shining. The clouds came back though :(
[b said:
]11:29 PM

Just got back from taking night time photos of a local park.

Currently eating a coconut ice cream bar. I think I'm in heaven.

OH MY GOD! I wanna be there! Night time photos of a park?? COCONUT ice cream??? , we are destined to be together!!

ok, I have a tendancy to be dramatic... but you totally got my attention now! :D ;)