What are you doing RIGHT NOW?

Oh yes, it's 9:28 and I am at work surfing cuz everyone had to go out on a fire alarm drill. I didn't have to go cuz of my owie ;) Good thing there wasn't a real fire, I couldn't go down 25 flights in my condition!! :eek:
BTW, I am sitting at my folks' puter, listening to "My Friends" (Chilis) courtesy of Scanty's open bedroom door, talking to the entire living room of my house at uni on MSN.
i'm back from work, sat typing this while listening to the tv on bbc news that's on behind me.
i'm back from work, sat typing this while listening to the tv on bbc news that's on behind me.i'm back from work, sat typing this while listening to the tv on bbc news that's on behind me.
i'm back from work, sat typing this while listening to the tv on bbc news that's on behind me.i'm back from work, sat typing this while listening to the tv on bbc news that's on behind me.i'm back from work, sat typing this while listening to the tv on bbc news that's on behind me.i'm back from work, sat typing this while listening to the tv on bbc news that's on behind me.i'm back from work, sat typing this while listening to the tv on bbc news that's on behind me.i'm back from work, sat typing this while listening to the tv on bbc news that's on behind me.
Sitting here, comtemplating life and why it sucks so much. Trying to figure out whether I care ALOT or not at all...........
Sitting at my desk at work

just finished lunch (Cheese lasagne casserole Lean Cuisine)

listening to my supervisor on a personal phone call for the last 25 minutes

breathing through my mouth because my nose is all stuffed up

yawning (i need sleep)

oh and it's 2:43pm.