What are you listening to right now?

avalanches breezeblock - 30mins of wicked mix. currently a mix of madonna 'saturday' lauper 'girls just wanna have fun' and a hendrix lick

smart :)
I like that^ song

I am currently listening to "To where you are" by Josh Groban
"Don't know why" by Norah Jones. My lord, what a voice on this girl. This song is just amazing. I'm trying out her other stuff and it's not bad, the lot of it.
Norah Jones again... I played that song for Rusty and he laughed and said, "Do you want to listen to the rest of the album? It's in my CD rack." So, I'm listening to it now. :)
Purdy lady. :circle:


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I'm listening to the sound of my own retarded brain clicking and whirring and driving me insane to the point where sleep eludes me, the bitch.