What are you listening to right now?

She should come check out what I am doing - upsampling AC3 DD 5.1 files to 48kHz. That'll send her to sleep.

Just had a food break downstairs... some pasta with pesto and a glass of O.J. Scanty is still down there, milling around looking fresh as a fucking daisy (not). Time for bed now methinks.

Nite all. :headbang:
I am also now eating pasta, and apparently alone in the world of sleeplessness.

Great. Maybe I'll put some fucking music on and wake the world up a little early this morning.

Heh heh...heh.......heh. :retard:
unclehobart said:
nalani said:
unclehobart said:
nalani said:
"Losing My Religion", REM

how appropriate is that? :D
You lost your temper?

umm.... no :confuse3:
Thats what it means. Losing My Religion is an old southern expression for either losing ones temper or an ill emotional collapse brought about by derailed love. Its naught to do about religion itself.

I know what the term means .. I forgot about your absence during the "losing my mind = losing my religion" (because I'm a religious studies major) thing ...
Elton John and... Shania Twain of all people :eek:
Looks Like We Made It (Still the One)