What are you listening to right now?

Leslie said:
You're My Best Friend :headbang:

That reminded me of how good queen was :headbang: Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to "borrow" the whole collection from my dad :headbang:

who waaaants.... to liiiiive..... foreveeeeeeeer....
greenfreak said:
Spot said:
coldplay's new cd

I was thinking about buying that myself. I never knew that Yellow wasn't on the newest CD. Any thoughts on buying Parachutes also?

i actually never heard of coldplay till about a month or 2 ago. i stumbled onto a few really good reviews of the cd, so i thought i'd give it a try. haven't had a chance to get the older cd's just yet but am planning on it.
greenfreak said:
I might stop and get them tonight, depending on the price. I'll let you know how Parachutes is if I wind up buying it. :)

Parachutes is a very good album. On first listen, there seem to be only 2 or 3 songs that really stand out and that you remember. But like most albums - it takes a few listens before the songs make an impression on you individually and then you realise what a well-crafted and well thought-out record it really is.
right now I'm listening to my co workers yell across the office instead of walking over to the other person to talk in a normal voice.

garbage - version 2.0 & beautiful garbage
cowboy junkies - trinity sessions
violent femmes - hallowed ground
incubus - morning view
parachutes is a good cd, yellow and trouble especially, recommend you pick it up greenie :)

currently i is mostly be listening to air - moon safari lp