conceeding the fact that the said file probably constitutes infringement, is there an appropriate way for the purpose of this thread (interesting other members in new music) to be fullfilled? Wouldn't other methods such as saying "Contact me off-list" or the actual purpose of the thread
LastLegionary said:
why do you think did I start this thread... as you type in names Kazaa gets orders
also constitute a violation of the aup since it would
aup 4-7 said:
establish means of uploading, transmission, distribution, or otherwise publish
I know I wouldn't purchase music based solely on someone's word, recommendation, or description, and I'm willing to bet that most other people would agree. This is where I see the usefulness in file-sharing, a try before I buy mentality. And if there is no acceptable way for the purpose of this thread to occur would it not make sense to lock and/or delete it right now?
I'm not trying to pin the blame for infringement legislation on the collective leadership of OTC, in fact, I understand their predicament completely, I just don't appreciate being chewed a new one publicly without much of an explaination or recommendations for future actions, which in this case might be how to appropiately fullfill the stated goals of this thread, which I obviously don't know. Not to mention that I enjoy playing devil's advocate.
i think that's what i was thinking.

> why can't I edit my posts in the KK when I can elsewhere??</OT>
peace out,
