What are you listening to right now?

personally, i cant stand creed. the singer annoys the hell out of me.

chevelle - don't fake this
Spot said:
personally, i cant stand creed. the singer annoys the hell out of me.
thank god somebody said it. i was going to keep my mouth shut on that one, or wait for someone else to say it.

30 Seconds to Mars - The Mission
tommy - trying some of your suggestion for music. dl-ing them now. will give my $0.02 when i get a chance to listen.
It's probably pretty varied, my variety has just about every variety of music i can think of minus pop. :headbang:

Defcon 9 Club - Kris Klink
Chet Baker - El Morro
tommyj27 said:
my variety has just about every variety of music i can think of minus pop. :headbang:
edit: my library has just about every variety of music i can think of minus pop

why the :devil: can't we edit posts in the KK??
the inability to edit threads is part of the unique nature of the kk. i believe the intention is to encourage more careful thought over what is posted.
makes sense, i just like to be able to correct my typos (<-- neat freak), i'm just curious, does the system keep a record of what changes are made when you edit a post?

The Cranberries - Zombie
The Calling - Adrienne
Soon to be listening to Creed - My Own Prison :D

EDIT: Ok, it's in my playlist. And I am going to be nice and let Kazaa borrow my baud while i'm at school.

EDIT: Edit is working for me :D
Dave Matthews Band - Digging a Ditch

Wow! I didn't know altron actually goes to school, just figured he starts things on fire all day and posts here. :D
Creed- My Own Prison
wow thta is a cool song!
I got this wicked ZBL Winamp 3 skin but I can't see the buttons anymore.
And yes I often attend Middle School, i'm in 8th Grade.
Today I was too busy posting here so I missed the bus. Then my dad drove me. In Homeroom I had to go to cafeteria to take some dumb survey. My friend, not seeing me on bus or in homeroom, told the teacher I was absent. I was supposed to take a trip to visit the high school this morning, but I missed it because of the survey. Then I went and watched the movie Rudy with the kids who weren't supposed to go until afternoon. Then we went to music. I left Music a bit early because I was bored. Then I had lunch. I was supposed to leave halfway through to go to the high school (I missed i in the morning) but I didn't. SO I went back with the kids who were supposed to go on the morning trip and wat5ched Rudy again.
:rofl: fun day, eh?