unclehobart said:
Trout slapping is just another variation on a theme. Its no different from nipple clamps, zipper hoods, handcuffs, and dildoes the size of tennis ball cannisters ... whatever gets your rocks off.

oh, like banjo music and a pig costume
i'm thinking if i posted about sex when i thought of it ... my count would drop. :s

i'm also thinking 1. i hate dogs. 2. i hate cats. 3. i don't like my dog or my cat. 4. YAY for the father-in-law bringing over roast with trimmings (potatoes, carrots, stuffing ...) for dinner and dropping it off! :D
Thats such a shame, Rose. Being beset with a rampaging and all distracting libido is one of the nifty little charms in life. All inventions in human history were because someone was just trying to impress a chick to be able to get into her pants.
Ben Franklin by far. He was one seriously dirty old man and a beloved celebrity in France during the revolution. He got more action than a retired racehorse out to stud.
i'm thinking that god has a wicked sense of humor....and don't tell me there is no god these are my thoughts and he's up there snickering at me right now.
I'm thinking (really this time)

that music is modern poetry some songs can grab your soul and twist in so many ways
tonks said:
i'm thinking that god has a wicked sense of humor....and don't tell me there is no god these are my thoughts and he's up there snickering at me right now.

Watch fightclub.

I am thinking humanity isn't worth saving.....there is a sliver of hope every now and then in a form of a truly amazing human being but the overbearing stupidity and hypocrisy of people overshadows their content and turns it into malice and they themselves turn into slaves of idiocy.

I am thinking I sound like a fucking whino right now.

I am thinking why am I sounding like a fucking whino.

I am thinking regardless of how I percieve myself to be I am not an original, nor creative, nor special, nor an individual in any form and shape despite my best efforts to believe such.

I am thinking that accepting individuality as a moot cause and admitting to my own consumerist sloth is a hard truth to swallow.

I am thinking if swallowing that pill makes me stronger or just another dew eyed youth who has come to terms with his/her mortality. Does it clear up my vision for the path to greatness or only clouds into oblivion?

I am thinking that public self-reflecting is such a pretentious and pathetic gesture of youth, an action of supposed gained wisdom....

so then am I fucking pathetic?......I am thinking I am not a hopeless case, just another one lost eventually leading up to finding his way....

I am thinking when I find my way and I get to see see what awaits me I would like to have a cigarette in my hand and a kiss.....a kiss can make a gift more amazing or make a nightmare sweeter....

yeah...definetly a cigarette and a kiss

....yeah..cigarette and kiss will do just fine.
Yeah, OK, I'll admit....thinking about sex..........and more to the point sex with girls........guess I'm thinking of giving that another shot :shrug:

Oh and shoes, but basically along the lines of what I'm gonna do with all mine when I leave.............got a serious problem with leaving them all behind.
AlphaTroll said:
Yeah, OK, I'll admit....thinking about sex..........and more to the point sex with girls........guess I'm thinking of giving that another shot :shrug:

Oh and shoes, but basically along the lines of what I'm gonna do with all mine when I leave.............got a serious problem with leaving them all behind.
Mail them to where you are moving to. No sense in letting them all go to waste.

Sex with girls? What a coincidence... I was thinking about sex with girls as well.
unclehobart said:
Mail them to where you are moving to. No sense in letting them all go to waste.

Sex with girls? What a coincidence... I was thinking about sex with girls as well.

I think you're right, I could mail it there...only problem is I wouldn't know where I'm gonna be staying until I'm there. Oh well, suppose someone can send them on to me when I'm there. In the meantime it's a great excuse to go shopping eh?