Why not make him a chisled rugby player on top of being rich? There are so many of them that you should be able to pick one off of any tree you come across. Theres always plenty of rich guys to go around.

Now if you want to settle for non rich, non English... then I can hook you up.
Hook away sweetheart, I'm not dead set on a rich English oke.....as for the rugby player - chances are he'd be South African anyway.
I am thinking WOW....beauty is so abundant, that at times it is overwhelming in the most comfortable of ways.
I'm thinking that it's a pity people close themselves off to new possibilities. And I'm thinking why am I thinking this, just because my friend said she believes in angels but not in ghosts after all they are essentially it's the same thing as an angel....not of this living form, yet still present in our realm - seeing them is one of those 'coincidences' in life. They are beings that happen to be on a different energy level to ours, but sometimes we glimpse parts of 'other' fields that occupy the same time/ space continuum as our own - it's something that could become a regular occurance if we accept the fact that we are not really alone and if we actively try to enhance our abilities and capabalities to interact with the other realms. However, because it is essentially alien to us (and humans are creatures of habit who by the limitations we place on ourselves through social conscripts, fight against changes that may be of a nature that could radically change the reality we have created and come to accept) we tend to knock it down as nonsense and make fun of people who do believe in the possibility that ghosts, aliens and other non-natural forms are possible. Strange how people are not quite so quick to judge that angels do not exist, merely because they are part of the teachings of the bible - which is the tool of the clergy who has, since the earliest times been the people who created the reality of our world.
I am thinking hapiness is a fleeting reward for not so fleeting sadness. Just like everything to be not in favor of anyone.
Oz said:
I'm thinking that happiness is egg shaped and love's a circle with no end :swing:
it only 4 o'clock in the morning and you're still driving me around the bend....good song....:D