I'm wondering why the hell half the clocks in my house are an hour fast (or slow, not sure what the right time is)........Has Uri Geller been creeping around? Do I have a poltergiest? Will the poltergiest put the kettle on to save me gettin' out me chair? :confused:
I'm thinking that I have nowhere else to post this but had a funny kid moment I had to share.

Daughter: Mommy, there is something you forgot in the thing for my barbie clothes.

Me: What is it honey?

Daughter: *Opens case and pulls out one of my bra's* Here mommy you lost your boobies.

kids say the darndest things.
Camelyn said:
I'm thinking that I have nowhere else to post this but had a funny kid moment I had to share.

Daughter: Mommy, there is something you forgot in the thing for my barbie clothes.

Me: What is it honey?

Daughter: *Opens case and pulls out one of my bra's* Here mommy you lost your boobies.

kids say the darndest things.

:D :D :D :D

Oh, I gotta write that down.........my friends gonna love that! :lol2:
Oz said:
I'm wondering why the hell half the clocks in my house are an hour fast (or slow, not sure what the right time is)........Has Uri Geller been creeping around? Do I have a poltergiest? Will the poltergiest put the kettle on to save me gettin' out me chair? :confused:

Im thinking Ozzy forgot the clocks go forward today so thats why they are all fast

and :rofl4: @ Cammy
I found that doing a Google search for my name and seeing how long til it linked to this place. After 83 pages, I not only didn't find a link to any BB I'm on, I also lost a lot of sleep. :toomuch:
Stop Laughing said:
I found that doing a Google search for my name and seeing how long til it linked to this place. After 83 pages, I not only didn't find a link to any BB I'm on, I also lost a lot of sleep. :toomuch:


Im thinking I have that frustrated feeling again