I'm thinking maybe i should get a new HDD, since my current one keeps corrupting my data... But it's expensive and i can't afford it with my bleeding student budget... :(
*rubs forhead*

*straightens out kink in neck*

*groans as striaghtens back*

I'm thinking that I can't recommend falling asleep at yer desk to anyone......
Stop Laughing said:
I found that doing a Google search for my name and seeing how long til it linked to this place. After 83 pages, I not only didn't find a link to any BB I'm on, I also lost a lot of sleep. :toomuch:

*googles BeardofPants* Holy Hell! :eek: I get around, that's fer sure. :retard:
I'm thinking that I can't believe it is Monday again already. Man I could use a good office romp this afternoon! ;)
I'm pissed off.........the one time I get on here during the day....and there is no Trolley to spam with :mope:
tommyj27 said:
i'm thinking i like ssh, i can shutdown all my computers and go to sleep all without leaving bed.
I hate it when I don't get the APCI/APM stuff right and have to get up to push the button.

I'm thinking about how morephpgroupware works so I can add my own module to it.....and trying to decide what to eat when I get off work.
I'm thinking: You know how the mass of an object increases the faster it travels, and that an object traveling at the speed of light has infinite mass and therefore requires infinite energy to accelerate it? Well, what would happen if you accelerated enriched uranium to a very high speed, close to the speed of light? Wouldn't it achieve critical mass and start reacting?

I'm also thinking i'm incredibly bored.
I'm wondering if I'm going to get some office nooky in the next 4 minutes or what? (freako, stewey - where are you?) :winkkiss:
Kawaii said:
I'm thinking: You know how the mass of an object increases the faster it travels, and that an object traveling at the speed of light has infinite mass and therefore requires infinite energy to accelerate it? Well, what would happen if you accelerated enriched uranium to a very high speed, close to the speed of light? Wouldn't it achieve critical mass and start reacting?

I'm also thinking i'm incredibly bored.

My understanding is that if matter does reach speed of light it would start reverting back to state of pure energy but Enriched Uranium would start reacting a lot sooner before reaching speed of light.

Stars already revert matter back to energy through sheer heat...speed is another way to do it.

Steweygrrrr said:
I'm thinking am I really as mature as I like to think I am?

no you're not

neither are you as immature as you think
not as weak as you think
not as strong as you think
not as happy
not as sad
not as loved
and not as hated

One's view of life is always eskewed by constant revaluation of self everyday so the only thing you can do is feel happy about yourself and have a disposition of confidence and content...not faked, but real confidence and content....

..with that sad...it is easier said then done

but then again who said life is easy....it is just more fun this way. :D