IDLEchild said:
Far cry from my early teens when I was a walking dunce (like that has changed :) ). Am I over analytical? or more rather do I come off over analytical?
Compared to other people, you do.
I'm thinking... Damn you, freaky swedish weather! Yesterday it was snowing, today it's 25°C... I'm meeeeeelting!
She did weight watchers and exercised pretty heavily.

I'm thinking that I really wish I could slap the ever-lovin' sh*t out of my boss right now. Why does she just assume I have nothing better to do than sit on subcommittees??? And doesn't even ask if I want to be involved - just tells them that I will be the attendee. I hate how she does things!:cuss:
I love to work out but my knee and my side doesn't allow it as often as I would like or need.

I am thinking about why I put myself through such nostalgic memories that I am just not ready to simply smile at.

I have issues.
I'm thinking that it's about time I went out, got loaded and kicked the living fuck outa someone :)

Gettin' bored of the quiet life
I'm thinking that Malibu and diet coke, and a bunch of them, sounds like a great way to spend my afternoon at work...

Hey, I can dream, can't I? ;)
SexyBoo said:
I'm thinking wow, I can't believe my friend lost 77 pounds! I knew it was a lot of weight, but wow!

It's not Friday yet????
I'm thinking....

Ok I'm not thinking....

Yeah and I wish it was friday too
SexyBoo said:
I'm thinking that Malibu and diet coke, and a bunch of them, sounds like a great way to spend my afternoon at work...

Hey, I can dream, can't I? ;)

I love Malibu and Diet. I had to settle for Malibu and coke since most bars don't have diet.

I am thinking I want a drink.
I'm thinking: note to self: do not type "Canadian beaver" in to a google image search and expect to get only one kind of furry creature....... :eek:
Camelyn said:
I'm thinking: note to self: do not type "Canadian beaver" in to a google image search and expect to get only one kind of furry creature....... :eek:

Told ya! :D

Thinkin':.........on second thought......you lot really don't wanna know what I'm thinkin' :eh:
Camelyn said:
I....I just wanted a new av. Is that so wrong? Now I just feel...dirty. :crying6:

*sniff* *honk* *sniff*

*hand Cam a handkerchief and a face wipe*

There, there........Don't be scared of the nasty beavers........they won't hurt ya :)

Do yer want yer codpiece back? Just in case? :)
Camelyn said:
I'm thinking: note to self: do not type "Canadian beaver" in to a google image search and expect to get only one kind of furry creature....... :eek:

theyre not always furry either ;) and some are wet ;)
SexyBoo said:
Ditto! Let's hit the bar! :)

Let's go!

I am thinking about how boring and bland my family is. They don't believe in change. Everything they do is the same asi t was since Iwas little.

My ice cream cone is good though.