Kawaii said:
Never-goddamnpieceofcrashingshit-winternights has got more bugs than a fucking rainforest.

Only bug I've found is in HotU whereby if you start the chapter 2 module, completely skipping chapter one, you start out at 1st-level again.

I'm thinking blue skies, warm breeze...perfect day.
Yup, was a nice day.........I'm wondering if the world is ready for my white legs exposed in shorts if the weather keeps up tomorrow :devious:
Its england man, you arent supposed to have a tan!

I'm thinking my brothers Green Day tab book is on my bed, his guitars next to me..... I might give time of your life a shot.
Im thinking its amazing that someone like boo's not getting it :winkkiss:

I'm thinking I need to get my guitar(s) restringed
I'm thinking this is the easiest $50 bucks I ever made

sitting and surfing while people call for pledges (boss leant out the office)
SexyBoo said:
I'm thinking about sex. Why am I always thinking about it? I guess because I'm not getting any! :)

I haven't gotten any in a LONG time andI had a boyfriend for 7 months. Bleh.

ANyway, I am thinking about my little smooch at the concert last night that was in front of a lot of people. This is special cause this boi used to be a friend of my ex and we want to keep whatever is going on between us kinda quiet. But now a few more friends know that we are I guess kinda seeing each other or what not. :D
I'm thinking that I hope my doggie is okay - I had to leave him at the vet today. He wouldn't eat this morning and threw up twice. The last time he started that I almost lost him. :( I figured better to be safe than sorry....
I'm thinking that I can't believe my doggie's blood sugar is up so high when I'm giving him insulin twice per day! :crying2:
I'm thinking about Erik.

I can't wait to party tomorrow and play our version of spin the bottle. Spin the nekkid man. It's a army doll, not a real man.