and I have a freakin head cold which means IM NOT GONNA GET TO SEE DAWN OF THE DEAD THIS WEEK :crying4:
I'm thinking: I'M GONNA KILL THAT BITCH! Noone with at least a shred of decency calls at 10am on the first morning of effin' SPRING BREAK! :cuss:
I was surprised to find out this morning that last night I slept through one of the loudest thunderstorm on record :eh:

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Kawaii said:
I'm thinking: I'M GONNA KILL THAT BITCH! Noone with at least a shred of decency calls at 10am on the first morning of effin' SPRING BREAK! :cuss:

try getting a phone call at 4:30 in the morning.

thinking one week and then tattoo show at school
Good luck Lissa! :hug:

I'm thinking that I am so tired that I could just get on the floor and fall asleep right now. I'm also wishing I could get a nookie visit this afternoon - although I haven't heard anything and assume that it won't happen. :(
I'm thinking about AE... It sucks because I really miss him and wish he was doing better than he seems to be. :(
PrincessLissa said:
Also, I can't help it, I am thinking about the horizontal mambo.

Good luck Lissa! And, ditto - I have the same thinking problem today. I really wish I could get some after work nookie this afternoon....
i'm thinking i want to wash the car, but i'm terrified that it will bring the rain back (first sunny day here in 2 weeks)
SexyBoo said:
Good luck Lissa! And, ditto - I have the same thinking problem today. I really wish I could get some after work nookie this afternoon....

dammit Boo Im all single here ;)

thinking what to watch
I'm thinking that trying to dye clothes black while simulteanously feeding and entertaining three tired but bored and restless children ain't fun :eh:

I'm also thinkin' that I'm glad their mum has been to collect them and that I don't have to look after 'em full time :D

Bloody Knackered!
He's there Boo, just have to look past everything else on the outside that would normally stop you and see whats on the inside....you may be pleasently suprised.

I'm thinking I need a new lead for my Bass, mines faulty.