I'm thinkin' that I'm glad tonksy made a post about the band Space.....cos I ain't listened to 'em for a few weeks and I fergot just how spangly they are :swing:
SexyBoo said:
I'm thinking that I hope my dad makes it through his surgery okay this afternoon (retina detached).
how'd he do that? (if you dont mind my asking)

i'm thinking the window tinting place better call soon cause i got a lot of stuff yet to do.
I am wishing Boo's daddy many good thoughts.

I am also trying to think of what to wear tonight since I get to see Erik for a few hours at the Cafe.
Thanks for the good thoughts, etc. According to the opthamalogist, he is just a victim of being middle-aged and his genetics. The scary thing is - my grandmother's retina detached in her late 70's, and he is in his late 50's. I hope it doesn't decide to move up another 20 years for me.

I'm thinking that I'm tired and don't really feel like going to Lowe's.
SexyBoo said:
Thanks for the good thoughts, etc. According to the opthamalogist, he is just a victim of being middle-aged and his genetics.

thats good in the sense that it is age related. the other way to detatch a retina is from a very nasty wack to the head like this... :lol2:

hope the surgery went well Boo.

i'm thinking its now too late to get anything done, so i might as well walk the dog.
once you learn the chords and notes for any song its not that difficult. its learning it that can be a bitch.

thinking I really wish my eyes werent so expressive,
My dad made it through his surgery fine and he is supposed to be discharged around 9:30 this morning.

I'm thinking that I'm extremely horny for it to be so early in the morning... :alienhuh:
SexyBoo said:
My dad made it through his surgery fine and he is supposed to be discharged around 9:30 this morning.

glad to hear it.

i am thinking of absolutly nothing at all.
I spoke too soon apparently. The surgery didn't take and so he is having to go back into surgery tonight at 6. This is so frustrating! :crying3:
I send many many good wishes to you dad.

I am busy worrying about Easter at the boys parents house. Isn't it a bit early to meet the rents?
Nah, just enjoy it and be yourself Lissa!

I'm so ready to get off of work and get to the hospital to see my dad...