What did you do at work today?

was up till 4 smokin weed with da boys and slept till 3pm, woke up ate mowed the front and back lawn, heard my mate who had cancer died today and am in a pissed mood.
I do nothing all day.

Oh - sold a Sky Digibox to a stranger and fixed some speakers today. Fun.
I attended 2 farm foreclosure negotiations....1 promising, the other crap...land that the eco-terrorists have set aside as "protected" for an inland shrimp species that only appears when the area floods which it hasn't in 30 years...so the guy's sweat equity isn't worth shit...

...I guess those deeds don't mean squat...

....and then I spent the rest of the day analyzing next years pricing models for the 6 major wine grape crops in San Joaquin Valley....

useful? ...to me it is....

Most of the morning was spent trying to get an InfoPrint 3000 set up to print directly from the AS/400. Not as easy as it sounds. Sometimes I could ping the printer just fine, sometimes not. I sent one print job to the printer that was supposed to be around 20 pages, got three boxes of paper plopped on my desk two hours later. Woops. Wrong Dataset. Only missed it by one digit. :shrug:

The afternoon was mostly spent here after I got that all set up. :D
went to work, asked some question, got a few answers, back to home to keep programming.

Right now, importing a bunch of cobol registers to sql.
I sent one print job to the printer that was supposed to be around 20 pages, got three boxes of paper plopped on my desk two hours later
I hate when that happens. :D Actually, we use all Oki320T impact printers where I work, set-up is usually a no brainer (unless, of course, someone else sets it up).
A pretty good Monday at the cabinet factory, in the Lay Out Technical Department.

Our factory is set in the heart of Amish country. In fact, about 1/3rd of our our total employ are Amish. Most can't earn what they want to doin' the farming thing.

Amish here are very different from many other settlements. The stringency of legalism followed, is based on the liberality of the Bishops (religious leaders).

Here, many Amish have indoor plumbing (including modern fixtures), some have kerosene refrigerators, etc. Most have cell phones, though some have internal residential phones.

Most Amish homes I've been in, do not have "visable" electric utility, an' rely on conventional kerosene power for lighting.

Don't be fooled though, a generator can power a hellova lotta lights inside the barn, which often illuminates fine basketball courts an' such.

Most Amish here, smoke, drink etc., yet still primarily tool around in open-cab buggies, but many own vans an' other vehicles, kinda under cloak though.

Most of the Gen-x Amish I know, don't know the native German dialect of their ancestors, but are pretty nice. Most of them, an' their parents don't have a clue why they live by the "rules" that they do.

If asked why, they jus' say, "its jus' the way we've always done it". An' sadly, most of the younger gens. seek a way to escape the trap of their parents' legalism, but with little resource to do so.

Many of my peers do not share the same, road-apple dodgin' trek to work that I have, but it can be interestin'!:)
chcr said:
Actually, we use all Oki320T impact printers where I work, set-up is usually a no brainer (unless, of course, someone else sets it up).

I've got 4 of those in my truck right now, headed for the recycle bin. And a TI800.
Went to class at 9, picked up lenses for my camera (score! :headbang: ), came to work and helped to try to install a HP2500L color laser printer on a Debian 2.2 machine, couldn't get it to work, so upgraded to 3.0, then set up samba on it to get the XP machine to print to it. The catch? It was WinXP Chineese Edition (no english). Went to class, came back, chewed the fat with my boss for an hour and a half, now back contemplating how I want to approach my next project (network monitoring software) until 8:30. Just glad I don't have Best Buy tonight.

So I'm here....hard at work, can't you tell? ;)
outside looking in said:
What did you do at work today?
Nothing really. I didn't go into work to work at all, just to hang around til I got paid. Jumped back like a wussy as my boss turned on an HP Laserjet 4 and it started buzzing louder than an overclocked vibrator then said "52 Error"... Fixed a Mac... Got my paycheck, got it cashed. :beerbang:
Sat on my ass right here

Went to a meeting for a group project for about 40min or so...
fury said:
outside looking in said:
What did you do at work today?
Nothing really. I didn't go into work to work at all, just to hang around til I got paid. Jumped back like a wussy as my boss turned on an HP Laserjet 4 and it started buzzing louder than an overclocked vibrator then said "52 Error"...

Wait 'till it gets humid...

* glares evily at the 4si sitting across the room as it screeches yet again and picks up another sheet....*screeech* damn, its on duplex too *screeeeeech*
I googled it (from a safe distance from the printer of course) and found out it might be a defective scanner assembly, or loose connections. How do I know which one it is?
Check for loose connections first, if that doesn't do it, then its the assembly. Some scanners make a pretty nasty noise when the assembly is locked too, but surely you checked that, right?