What did you do at work today?

My boss was the one working on it. Me and the other guy that semi-works there were there helping him take a look at it. Apparently, one part of it is spinning and the rest is not. When it tries to warm up, then the vibration starts. He said the fuser is heating up fine so the connection should be good. That's about all I can remember. God, I wish Fuser Man wasn't banned from the internet. :mope:
outside looking in said:
So, what's your typical day like? And more to the point, what was today like? Do anything useful? Interesting?

What did YOU do at work today, OSLI (apart from spamming Derek Smart's inbox)? :eyemouth:
HP sells a little tech handbook, the size of a thick paperback, with all the error codes, diagrams, PS locations, even a scale to track down repetitive stain problems. Mine cost me about $20 4 years ago. Worth every penny.
Today, I checked and answered some email, did some actual work, went out to lunch, came back, worked more ... and of course, posted here ...

typically, I don't actually do a lot of work and instead, I do more posting ... I'm slacking, I know ...
TI800's, huh Prof? I think we have about 30 of those company-wide. Thank goodness we have a service contract for printers, they're always doin something.

Today... I caught up on my email and support calls after being out all day Friday, ordered a Dell laptop, an HP 1200 printer and 6 WYSE terminals, called Dell to check up on a credit for return, talked to my sister about why she's shipping her Trim Spa to my house, entered 4 new support calls for malfunctioning hardware, configured two new computers, submitted some repair stats to the networking department, typed up a "Standard Procedures" flyer for new pc's, cut off some of the dying flowers from my African Violets, watered my spider plants, ate lunch and checked four pages of new messages here (haven't checked em since Thursday) and lost track of time (2 hour lunch today!), followed up with some old support calls, called in a UPS claim for a damaged shipment, helped our Help Desk with some printer troubleshooting, and returned 5 phone calls.

This was a light day for me. :)
I always hated grouting, wish I could just set the tile and walk away, have some grout boy come finish it up. :D
Re: Re: What did you do at work today?

MuFu said:
What did YOU do at work today, OSLI (apart from spamming Derek Smart's inbox)? :eyemouth:

Hmm. I'm nearing completion of structural analysis for an advanced composite concept for the Navy's next gen warship. Today I finished the modeling for a simulation of a nuclear detonation of xx yield at xx distance from the ship, and began the technical paper describing the behavior and survivability of the topside structure.

The typical day is spent surfing the web and tossing the football around the office. Today was an exception. My job is like that... comes in waves of phenomenally complex work that almost make me feel intelligent, amid a sea of mind numbing goof-off weeks that remind me I'm a moron.
PuterTutor said:
I always hated grouting, wish I could just set the tile and walk away, have some grout boy come finish it up. :D
:wave: um, I am the grout boy :D
Eiw...you guys don't even have any palm trees there.:p I prefer to grout with warm water.:)
LOL No Shit! The last two jobs I did I had to get all the water out of a hose. OMG, my hands were numb at the end of the day.
greenfreak said:
Today... I caught up on my email and support calls after being out all day Friday, ordered a Dell laptop, an HP 1200 printer

I really hate the 1200. When you compare it to the 5l, it just feels so flimsy, and it looks like crap. The 5L looked like a business machine.
Our hose water is usually nice and toasty :D ...and if it's not, I get the water out of the bathtub:headbang: