What do you love, that most others don't?


New Member
I'll follow Jerrek's lead, and take the converse approach here.

Myself: Black & white photography, (I'm also a dabbler)

Cruisin' topless in my '75 Renegade Jeep!! :D

Admitting my mistakes, for the sake of a clear conscience. (and the friend, who isn't afraid to speak the truth to you, when yer wrong, especially when ya know they love the "real" you)

Being extremely impathetic. :)
I thought about doing this last night, lets see. Whoreable. I just love the dry sense of humor. At least I really hope it's humor.
Star Wars Episode II
Star Trek Enterprise

other things which I probably shouldn't mention in this environment. ;)
People who respect the way that their bodies were made and don't do anything artificial to them, e.g. tattoos, piercings (including earlobe piercing), breast implants, etc.

I might think of more later.
ris said:
quality of design

i like architecture, but especially quality of design is really important to me as a mechanical engineer...so...you're not alone on this one :D
Little House On The Prairie :D
Caramalized onions, artichoke hearts and green olives on my pizza.
:conehead: <----- THAT!!!