What do you most dread each day?


What thing that you do every day or nearly every day do you dread most?

If I was a normal person I would say brushing my teeth because toothpaste burns my tongue and listerine sets my moth on fire, but I am not normal.

I am Type 2 Diabetic, which means every day I have to inject insulin every time I eat and twice before bed. I also have to stick my finger with a lancet and bleed on a test strip to check my sugar.

None of this activity is really painful (very occassionally a shot will burn or I will prick my finger right on a nerve), most of the time. In fact the needles are so small I usually don't feel anything, but it is the most tedious task of my day.

I have known some opeople so afraid of needles I think they would die of diabetes before they took shots. For me all things considered it isn't that bad. The only real pisser is when I go over to a friends house or McDonalds on a whim and don't have my insulin along.......Oh well.....What is your daily dreaded task?
How much my knees and ankles will hurt for the first ten or fifteen minutes after I get out of bed.
sorry I don't dread anything
I'm sure that means something is wrong with me
and dreading a daily part of your life normal lol

Ch what's up with the legs?
Bad knees?
Not an everyday occurence but winter is bad time of year for me. The cold makes my calf muscles seize up preventing me from walking the next day....excrutiatingly painful :(

Besides that, waking up because it takes me at least three attempts to get out of bed.
Waking up to find the flattie drank all the milk the night before and having to have a black coffee. Makes me grumpy for the entire day.
Raven said:
Um, sweety? Be happy with who you are not what you look like.......

Easy to say... actually not so easy with a tooth and swollen face like mine!

Everyone is pre-judged by their appearance... I just wish mine made a better impression!
Not exactly dread...but I don't look forward to it. Dropping my son off at daycare. He hasn't gotten used to it and it's usually a tearful scene with me having to leave quickly once he's been either distracted or walked into another room. I know that he's only teary for about 10mins or so after I've left..but it still breaks my heart.
You're missing my point Claire. Not everyone is pre-judged by their appearance, I personally weigh up someones personality before I pay any heed to looks, and even then they have little to no importance.

I think Gato said it best with this quote:

Gato_Solo said:
Which is more important...the present, or the box the present arrives in?
Raven said:
You're missing my point Claire. Not everyone is pre-judged by their appearance, I personally weigh up someones personality before I pay any heed to looks, and even then they have little to no importance.

I think Gato said it best with this quote:

Perhaps she throws away the present, and keeps the box... :confuse2:
Gato_Solo said:
Perhaps she throws away the present, and keeps the box... :confuse2:


Well... I do like a nice wrapping... I spend forever sellecting the colours and the bows to go on it... then the wrapping itself... making it all neat.

Appearances are importnt to me... all about making a good impression... deep seated low self esteem I guess :shrug:
ClaireBear said:

Well... I do like a nice wrapping... I spend forever sellecting the colours and the bows to go on it... then the wrapping itself... making it all neat.

Appearances are importnt to me... all about making a good impression... deep seated low self esteem I guess :shrug:

Back when I was a musician, me, and a few other folks from the 'Brass Guild' were listening to the newbies audition. We only had one opening, and it was in the trumpet section. The last 2 were the ones that stuck in my mind until today. The first guy was dressed to perfection, and his trumpet, although 7 years old, looked brand new. He picked his horn up, put it to his lips, and one of the worst renditions of music I ever heard came out of the bell of that perfect trumpet. He never got past the intro. The last guy came in, wearing jeans and an AC/DC t-shirt. Long, greasy hair, tennis shoes that hadn't been washed since he got them, and his trumpet looked like it had been completely stripped of laquer, and you know what? He played even worse... :lol2:
ClaireBear said:

Well... I do like a nice wrapping... I spend forever sellecting the colours and the bows to go on it... then the wrapping itself... making it all neat.

Appearances are importnt to me... all about making a good impression... deep seated low self esteem I guess :shrug:
Appearances say nothing about the person in the slightest, as Gato pointed out. Someone could be amazingly well dressed, stuninng good looks etc....doesn't stop them being an absolute tit though.

Take me for example, I am currently sat at work in a designer shirt, smart pants, smart shoes clean cut haircut.....but you wouldn't think I was a Punk until you spoke to me....(and yes I mean both meanings of punk :p)
Raven said:
Take me for example, I am currently sat at work in a designer shirt, smart pants, smart shoes clean cut haircut.....but you wouldn't think I was a Punk until you spoke to me....(and yes I mean both meanings of punk :p)

But I can tell from that that you're not stupid... realising the importance of conforming to certain rules such as dress codes in order to remain in employment. :la: