What do you sleep in?

Naked. Used to wear boxers, and every once in a while I still do, but I prefer nude.
My birthday suit...without the lapels :)

On cold winter nights...I either use a tshirt as well, or on really cold nights, I sprinkle catnip on the bed and the furrballs keep me and the missus warm enough, thank you!
Usually a nightie... I prefer not to get my teeth knocked out by my G cup ladies every time I roll over... and yes, wearing a bra at night is extremely uncomfortable. :D
shorts and a tee in the summer. pj trousers and a tee in the winter. when it gets really cold, i'll wear a light sweatshirt to bed. (we keep the thermostat down. oil isn't cheap)
My 7 yr old crawls in to bed with me sometimes, so I have to wear a t-shirt or a tank top and undies.
It all depends. Usually at least a shirt (with bra on) and undies. Sometimes a pair of shorts too. Sometimes nothing if it's right after sex or if it's stifling hot.