brief or boxer. I must cover up with a duvet or sheet even if its 30c and steaming, else i can't sleep 

WHy not?? They make good snacksInkara1 said:I sleep on my bed. I don't know how you guys can stand the inside of that mattress... especially if you've ever seen any of those dateline NBC specials on what grows inside those things.
Nixy said:When I don't have to just roll out of bed and drive my mom to work I tend to sleep naked.
Inkara1 said:I sleep on my bed. I don't know how you guys can stand the inside of that mattress... especially if you've ever seen any of those dateline NBC specials on what grows inside those things.
freako104 said:a bed.
Oh, good, so you didn't see me there staring at you...Nixy said:I do not leave my room naked!!! Not in the mornings! There are people home!
The closest I got was this morning when what I wanted to wear was downstairs so I went down in a thong, bra and wearing a zip up sweatshirt over top. My brother was still sleeping, my mom was already at work.
Buttcrackdivine said:Um that would be "Sleep on a bed"...not "In" one
Inkara1 said:I sleep on my bed.
Buttcrackdivine said:to those who were smart enough to follow this humorous way of answering i just thought i should mention that.