What do you sound like?

Well, I decided to participate.

Used a crappy digital camera, hence the quality of the sound.

Here I am..
to answer gato's question....sometimes....lame, huh? best i can do...i love the accent that oz apparently has...sounds awful rugged...i like rugged.
Gato_Solo said:
BTW...I sound like a cross between Bryant Gumble and Bullwinkle Moose...I don't have a mic, so that's the best I can give you... ;)

I bet you're smarter than both combined though. :D That might not be saying a lot...
tonks said:
to answer gato's question....sometimes....lame, huh? best i can do...i love the accent that oz apparently has...sounds awful rugged...i like rugged.

My voice is rougher than a camels scrotum sack ;)

Well, according to trolley.....me voice sounds more irish than the geordie examples I posted :shrug:

I will find me voice sample..........trouble is I forgot what I called it, and searching for .wav files on this computer is tricky (last time I did a search it got to 8k of files before I gave up) :retard3:
I've been told I do a pretty good impression of Bill Lumbergh, the "yeah" boss from Office Space.

What say you?