What do you sound like?

I just tried this with yours Tonks and it helped.

R click on the file & save as.... then convert it.

Yours was wav & I could tell you were there, barley.
After converting to .mp3, it's got awful quality but I can hear
right clicking on the link forces you into a white screen of death? freaky. I wonder if you need some codecs or updates.

I suppose I ought to read all the way thru the thread before offering suggestions. :shrug:
I think I should call Oz and have a phone conversation with 'im. I don't know if we'd understand each other - but it's sure to be a riot!
Rose said:
I think I should call Oz and have a phone conversation with 'im. I don't know if we'd understand each other - but it's sure to be a riot!

Hey, maybe you'll get lucky and he'll even answer the damned phone! ;)

Erm, yeah, I still sound like a duck in heat, so nope I'll not be posting a sound clip..........though I might if I get stoned enough.
AlphaTroll said:
Hey, maybe you'll get lucky and he'll even answer the damned phone! ;)

Erm, yeah, I still sound like a duck in heat, so nope I'll not be posting a sound clip..........though I might if I get stoned enough.

{picturing a stoned Duck in Heat}

AlphaTroll said:
Hey, maybe you'll get lucky and he'll even answer the damned phone! ;)

Yer cheeky bugger! I remember spending a whole night staring whistfully at the phone waiting for ya to call :(

Actually i was watchin' telly.........but the phone was in the same room :lloyd:

Nice to see yer back trolley :D :kiss:
Oz said:
Yer cheeky bugger! I remember spending a whole night staring whistfully at the phone waiting for ya to call :(

Actually i was watchin' telly.........but the phone was in the same room :lloyd:

Nice to see yer back trolley :D :kiss:

BAH! I DID phone! Twice in fact.....hmmm, sure you gave me the right number? Had the same old story of the ringing and ringing....how's about an answering service? ;)

Anyway, it's no big deal really (OK it is, but allow me to act blazé for once), I'll hear that voice soon enough when I pop over for afternoon tea :D

Glad to be back and see yer pretty lil face again hun :kiss:
AlphaTroll said:
BAH! I DID phone! Twice in fact.....hmmm, sure you gave me the right number? Had the same old story of the ringing and ringing....how's about an answering service? ;)

Anyway, it's no big deal really (OK it is, but allow me to act blazé for once), I'll hear that voice soon enough when I pop over for afternoon tea :D

Glad to be back and see yer pretty lil face again hun :kiss:

Bejesus.........wot is it with us and phones, never get a bugger to work :confused:

Lemme see if bt can organise an answering service.......see if that'll stop the constant ringing.....yer must feel like yer've got tinnitus, poor thing :winkkiss:
you know what i thought? i thought it was way expensive to call overseas....i just found out my rates....6 cents a min to canada and mexxico and 8 cents a minute to most places in europe....that's awful affordable, huh?