What do you sound like?

tonks said:
you know what i thought? i thought it was way expensive to call overseas....i just found out my rates....6 cents a min to canada and mexxico and 8 cents a minute to most places in europe....that's awful affordable, huh?

It can get a bit expensive if you're like me and do all the calling and texting etc from your cellphone - but for the most part it's totally worth the expense anyway, so who cares?

So, seeing as it's not that much for you....you gona be phoning any of us real soon? ;)
unclehobart said:
I'm almost sexy... but not quite. ;) ...not like your voice. Your voice set my heart aflutter.

Awe, you're too sweet :blush: Hey - tonksy, next time we make it a conference call and you can join in the fun too ;)
AlphaTroll said:
I reckon we all get stoned first though - see how much we understand of each other then.
no sweetie..that bridges the communication gap...pm me your number..i'll file it in me rolodex ;)
OK...I found my mike, set it up but can't for the life of me figure out how to record my own bloody voice. Soon as I do...consider it on here :)