what do you want to have done before you die?

become a criminal psychologist to see if theres a way to stop rape,molestation and murder before they happen(but not clockwork orange nor minority report anyone who read a clockwork orange knows the ending and knows why i dont want to do that to anyone).
get married and have a family
find out where a friend of mine in first grade is buried(after he drowned in first grade i never got the chance to see his grave nor say goodbye)
get more tats
get a cheerleader ive hung out with a little to go out with me
get more whips
get an education
-graduate hs
-graduate college
-have a profession which suits me and makes me happy
-find someone to love me and hold me in real life (as opposed to online relationships)
-go to germany
-see afi
-learn to play guitar or bass
-participate in a scene *mischevous grin*
-i might be able to find a use for that roll of duct tape i bought! *more mischevous grinning*

when i was in sixth grade, i came up with a three-page list of things i had to do before dying. i planned on dying soon, at the time, so why i made that list is a mystery to me.
Been all over Europe. Pretty cool place.

I'd like to win the lottery, just enough to sustain me till I crock, then walk in and say "I quit."
Grow up totally politically incorrect, become disgustingly rich and give the finger to the "Nanny" State. :eek:
ris said:
Jerrek said:
nambit, I've done two of those you mentioned. :) What I want to do is err....

  • Start a fight in an English pub
  • ...and finish it too

you don't want to get mashed to a pulp in england, mate [and you would, no self-respecting englishman would turn down the chance to give a mouthy yank a smack]. our health service is so ropey you'd not get a bed for a week. but that might be that no self-respecting english doctor would treat a mouthy yank... :p ;)

Damn limey doctors... ;) :D

One thing ris is correct about though...Never get into a fight with a Brit if you, yourself, are not a Brit. You'll find yourself outnumbered in short order. Most Brits I know, though, are fun, peace-loving, polite, and quite nice to be around...except for ris. He's trouble. Stay away from him. Far away. :D
Gato_Solo said:
Never get into a fight with a Brit if you, yourself, are not a Brit. You'll find yourself outnumbered in short order.

pussies..... :D
PostCode said:
Brits are not what you gotta worry about. It's the Irish that'll mess your day up.

Oh God yeah! NEVER get in a fight with the Irish, they're bloody MAD! :eek:
Hey guys, I had to dig this up. It would have been Dan's birthday today - he would have been 24...

I thought this was kind of a cool thread, he was always full of ideas like this. So strange that he's been gone six months now, still hurts when I think about him.

Anyway, this one's to Dan. :beerbang: