what do you want to have done before you die?

Luis G says.....have a son or daughter

:zap: your pregnant-now go to the doc and get an ultrasound to see what it is.... :winkkiss: Just joshing ya Luis.

Hopes for Luis his wish comes true....HUGE HUGS.....
Thanks Mare, we all know that you will find a great man again. ;)

PT, this thread freaks me out as well.
Try to remember him with joy and it will hurt less. I remeber a quote somewhere sometime: "don't regret the times we never lived, think of the times I gave you" or soemthing like that. He was always a happy person in this world, we should honor him the same way... :)
greenfreak said:
Count me in. I wish these threads about Dan wouldn't be bumped. It just reopens old wounds every time. :(

ill third that. i dont mind reading it for memories but I havent read it since the last time it was bumped. makes me miss Dan
I never knew the guy, but I'm sure by the way you all talk, he was awesome.

It reminds me that about two years ago, or maybe last year, I don't really want to remember, my best friend since I was 4 committed suicide.

The worst part was, he called me and told me everything he loved about me and how much he was sorry, and why he was doing it.

I didn't really understand, but now that I've lived a bit, thought about it myself, I understand why he did it, and I know I'll never see him again, and yeah, it still hurts like hell, but he hasn't died yet. not in everyone he touched. he'll never die. ever.

on the same topic [cheerful post... (smacks self for bringing it up again)]

I had a fight with my friend once, we always made up the next day, so I figured it was no big deal. We'd make up tomorrow, right?

Except there was no tomorrow.

She was talking to her sister about the fight we'd had and wasn't paying attention while crossing the street. She got hit by a car and died on impact. I never even got to say I'm sorry.

As I sit here and write this I remember the reason this had such a huge effect on me.

I remember the very last thing I ever said to her. T'was something along the lines of 'I hope you die.' she replied with a simple 'fine.'

I've been through a lot of deaths in my life, and I know this probably hasn't helped you... at all...

but it helps me to know that... somewhere, somehow they knew I cared. They knew I was probably thinking 'why couldn't it have been me?'

I can only hope that they'll always know I loved them with everything I had.

I really know you all probably want to shoot me right now for ever bringing up the death topic, but I figured I'd share, maybe take a chance and inject my opinion.

as for what I want to do before I die

- live and love.

remember, kids, no matter what, no regrets.