what do you want to have done before you die?

I got an email from Dan's dad today, some of you may also have it.

Today is Daniel's birthday and I hope that you will find a moment to raise
a cup of coffee (or something stronger) to his memory. If possible play the
tune that most reminded you of Dan -- and smile.

I must confess that for Dan's Mum and I, this last six months have been
hard. A day has not passed that I have not missed him and cried. But
today we should celebrate the life of an extraordinary man. Let us remember
his mission statement on life:

"Work like you don't need the money,
Love like you have never been hurt,
Dance like nobody is watching
Sing like nobody is listening
Live like it is Heaven on Earth."

These words were borrowed but he made them his own. Let us make them ours.

I love you Son and I miss you.

Malcolm Gardner

PS. I still have problems with nambit.net -- temporally I have relocate the
site on to www.mgafdb.co.uk -- it doesn't all work but we are still sorting
it out. As I have said before Dan wrote nothing down, and as I have
discovered he worked in a way which was elegantly complicated. A lot of his
stuff has been like deciphering art -- and I am sure that would make him
smile. Bless!
PPS. Please pass this email on to those people and groups who knew Dan. I
have tried to include everyone but have probably forgotten some.
It's so nice to be thought of by his family and not disregarded because we were only 'online' friends. Toasting some of my water to you Dan. :)

Thank god the work day is almost over. I am gonna go home and shed a few tears in his memory.
Frolic among the bunnies in the Playboy Mansion.....also the pet bunnies they keep in the zoo....must not abandon the furry critters out of all the nude joy of being nude with the hotly nude nakid bunnies of the human kind who are nude as nude can get in the nudy filled mansion.
anonymous said:
No man should ever have to bury his son.

Jeslek said:
nambit, I've done two of those you mentioned. :)
  • Start a fight in an English pub
  • ...and finish it too

My uncle taught me how to do this.

First, get his blood up. Start ranting, yelling, that sort of thing. Then, just before he's ready to haul off and wallop you, you say "Right, let's take this outside, where the blood won't spoil the decor." Take him by the arm, leading him in front of you. Grab a barstool on the way past, and wallop him across the back of the head. Then go back to your beer.
go to the tournament of roses parade.
go to the pro bowl.
retire in key west.
learn to horseback ride.
have a rose garden.
have more sex.
1. Meet a GREAT Man someday again...... :swing:
2. See my children grow up and be happy and have families of their own. :winkkiss:
3. Get a boob job... :devious:

That about sums it up for now.. :D
This thread has always freaked me out. Do you all think he knew? Maybe even subconciously, just knew.
Leslie said:
gawd man of all threads what'd you go and pull this one up for :hmm:


Honestly? Because of something I heard on TV 2 nights ago. The same thing came up in conversation yesterday. You know the way fate nudges me. Everytime I've ignored or resisted, I've regretted it. Not this time, sister.