What Paris Hilton really fears

'Jack had sex with Paris Hilton'

June 20, 2007

OZZY and SHARON OSBOURNE have revealed that son JACK once bedded jailbird PARIS HILTON.

The pair outed Jack’s secret when I caught up with them in Ozzy’s dressing room before last night’s triumphant Wembley Arena gig.

And I’d imagine the air (or should that be heir) will be bluer than normal when Jack hears his parents have blabbed about the time he, er, checked into the Hilton.

Ozzy said: “Paris was always hanging around our house. I’m not sure if she was a friend of KELLY or AMY — which one was it, Sharon?”

Sharon looked a bit sheepish and stumbled over her words as she replied: “She was Jack’s, erm, friend.” Ozzy’s jaw dropped and he exclaimed: “He didn’t shag her, did he? Well done, my son!”

I take my hat off to Jack. He’s got a bit of personality but pulling Paris is punching above his weight.

Ozzy and Sharon told of their son’s conquest after confiding that they have sold their infamous Beverly Hills mansion — to pop singer CHRISTINA AGUILERA.

The pair — now worth £50million — said the house had become unbearable to live in since featuring in their hit fly-on-the-wall MTV show because fans turn up there day and night.

It was so bad the family were forced to pay for a 24-hour armed guard to stop fans scaling the walls.

So Ozzy and Sharon decided to cut their losses and sell up.

Ozzy said: “I don’t want to stay in that house any more. When we finished the programme they pulled the plug on security and we were left with a huge bill to pay for the armed guard.

“People turn up day and night and a tour bus stops outside the house every day — it drives me mad.

“The house holds bad memories for me because it reminds me of the terrible time Sharon got cancer and of times when me and the kids were doped out of our minds.

“So we’ve sold it off to Christina and we’re moving to a new place in a gated community.”

Sharon added: “The kids have all left home now and we wanted a smaller house but bigger grounds.”

The X Factor judge also told how she once came home to discover 20 Japanese tourists snooping around their rooms.

She said: “Ozzy had let them in — he thought they were pals of Jack or Kelly.”

Ozzy is riding high with new album Black Rain, his biggest-selling LP for 20 years, and he is in the middle of a hugely successful world tour.

The Brum-born singer will also be honoured as the first star on Birmingham’s new Hollywood-style Walk Of Fame on July 6.

Ozzy and Sharon still see England as their home. They will be spending the next few months apart as Sharon films a new series of X Factor in London while her hubby does a 25-date tour of the US

Two of their precious dogs will be flown backwards and forwards too — in First Class seats no less.

Sharon is also looking for a house in London near to X Factor boss SIMON COWELL in leafy Holland Park.

She said: “It gets tiring travelling when we’re filming the show. Our house in the country isn’t that far away but with the traffic it can sometimes mean spending four hours a day in the car.”

Meanwhile, Ozzy has discovered a new hobby — painting.

He says: “I want to be an artist, I love it. Now I don’t do drugs or drink I find other ways to relax when I’m not on the road and art is one of them.”

I’ll bet his paint palette is full of different shades of black .


The funny thing is .... I'm not sure which one was slumming. Thank Gawd there's no video (public) of them going at it.
Meals by drip threat to Paris

June 20, 2007

PRISON bosses threatened to put PARIS HILTON on a DRIP after she refused to eat.

Doctors were alerted after the 25-year-old star appeared “weak and lethargic” — and was found to have lost more than 5lb in just a week.

Paris’ weight has fallen from 110lbs to 100lbs after she was sent back to jail in Lynwood, Los Angeles, for flouting a driving ban.

One insider said: “After she was transferred back, Paris refused to eat.

“Staff became worried as she seems very thin with her bones poking out. She was also very weak and lethargic.

“They threatened to put her on an intravenous drip to rehydrate her and give her some nourishment unless she started eating.

“She has since managed to get a little food down, but doctors are closely monitoring her.”

Insiders say her only human contact is with doctors and three deputies who monitor her 24 hours a day.

She has no TV and is allowed out of her cell for one hour a day to phone her family.

The insider added: “Paris looks very pale. She is not allowed to wear make-up and her hair is matted and frizzy from washing it with soap as there’s no shampoo.”

Mum KATHY said the former party girl spent all her time “staring at the walls and ceiling”.

Kathy said: “She spends 23 hours a day alone. It’s hard to go there to talk.

“She’s reading her fan mail and books and she’s just sitting there thinking about the changes she wants to make in her life. She’s never been alone.”


OHMIGAWD!!! what next???? Maybe she'll hold her breath until she turns blue. Fucking primadona.
Re: 'Jack had sex with Paris Hilton'


The funny thing is .... I'm not sure which one was slumming. Thank Gawd there's no video (public) of them going at it.

Jack has lost a good bit of weight and looks very different. He always did have a fun personality. I am inclined to think he is the one slumming.
Go Paris!!!
five foot eight inches and a hundred pounds
If you can avoid food another week they'll have to transfer you
to a hospital or something.
It's not like getting her in bed is a hard thing to do (as long as you're rich and/or famous somehow).
Not to mention heh heh heh

"Mother told me, yes, she told me I'd meet girls like you.
She also told me, "Stay away, you'll never know what you'll catch."
Just the other day I heard a soldier falling off some Indonesian junk that's going round.
Mommy's alright, daddy's alright, they just seem a little weird.
Surrender, surrender, but don't give yourself away, ay, ay, ay."