what should i do with the wedding dress?

I'd keep it because you never know if you're girls will ever want to wear it. I'm keeping mine, it takes up room, but I'm hoping that I have a daughter that will want to wear it one day. After all the money we spend on them as well. I love my dress and it's a nice souvenir. If your daughters end up not wanting to wear it, then do the ornament thing or something...or you can always die it black and be buried in it... :lol2:
Uki Chick said:
...or you can always die it black and be buried in it... :lol2:
god...what a dreadful thought....flashback!..english class...dickens book...mrs. havisham??????
I like the Christmas ornament idea myself tonksy.... I don't know if I would want to hold on to my wedding dress if it hadn't held up well and I was separating.... If it was in good condition I would probably ship it off to one of the grandparents houses preserved to put in an attic somewhere just in case one of the kids did want to wear it. :)
yeah i think i'm goin to cut it into scraps and dye them different colors so i have many different kinds...maybe i could give them as gifts next year.....whatcha think?
Awwww - that is beautiful... You look absolutely stunning. :D

I have my moms, never wore hers it was in pretty bad shape, but I saved it and I have it-Now Mine-Left it in the dumpster in Jersey. It was pretty-not quite as nice as yours Tonks, but have 2 boys and the less to move here the better.
Just wanted to chime in...

Confirmation dresses for your girls. You can trim the excess off the dress to turn it into an evening gown (dye it whatever colour you like) and keep the excess trim for confirmation dresses, or something similar for your girls

It can be packed and stored outside of your house for a minimal fee. Bus-terminal lockers come to mind. $1 for as many years of storage as you like :)
I like the vacuum pack idea myself. That will get rid of the humidity concerns. I'd hate to see you a few years down the road, regretting having thrown it out.

My mom's lost a lot of weight the last couple years, and she can get into her wedding dress again. It's a bit tight, but considering it was squeezing her ribs, there's no way she could get any skinnier.
well...it's not like i'm ever going to wear it again.....i mean if i am fool enough to get hitched again...i think i'd like to not wear the same thing i wore to the previous wedding...so it's either save it for one of the girls or make ornaments out of it...i thought about the halloween costume but that dress is 83 inches from the waist...very heavy.
My opinion is that such a dress no longer holds sentimental heirloom value after a divorce and at best becomes another article of clothing; at worst it would be representaive of bad memories. My thought would be to rid yourself of it. Perhaps there is a donation service to rescue wedding dresses and refurbish them for a second chance.

By the time my mom went down the aisle for the 5th time, she was just wearing this smart looking lavendar suit with open toe sandals and held the ceremony in her living room. After the first time down the aisle, the dress and fanciness of it all is not really a pressing issue... unless the wedded have some craving to spend all manner of cash.
you are so sensible.....christmas ornaments it is! i was thinking i could make some for my mom and my inlaws...kinda a way to give back...is that corny? think they'd get the wrong idea? i dunno.....
Not at all. Go right ahead. Making ornaments out of them would be reinfusing it with sentimentality and giving it a better life ... not to mention that it would at least see daylight for one month a year instead of never again.
tonks said:
you are so sensible.....christmas ornaments it is! i was thinking i could make some for my mom and my inlaws...kinda a way to give back...is that corny? think they'd get the wrong idea? i dunno.....

I dunno. Although I agree that a wedding dress should only be worn once, I also hate waste. If you don't think your girls will like it, then the local chapter of Goodwill will most certainly be happy with it. Imagine someone who cannot afford to buy such a lavish garment new finding, and making, their own sentimental attachments to it.
Gato_Solo said:
I dunno. Although I agree that a wedding dress should only be worn once, I also hate waste. If you don't think your girls will like it, then the local chapter of Goodwill will most certainly be happy with it. Imagine someone who cannot afford to buy such a lavish garment new finding, and making, their own sentimental attachments to it.
prolly so....*sigh* i was all set to make the ornaments when he came across the box with the dress sitting out....damn...he was all scared looking, like..."what are you gonna do with it"...he is really girl like in this respect....i told me "nothing"....chicken, huh? i just don't wanna fight over a dress......i'll slip it in with the other goodwill stuff.
Rose said:
Gosh. Regardless, I'd save it. Just save it. You know you want to. It won't take up that much space. Even if you have to vaccum pack it or roll it up and stick it in a tupperware. Just save it.


I agree. It's your wedding dress for Gosh sakes. save it. if you don't you'll eventually regret it.