What were you doing...

email, building mplayer, downloading dropline-gnome, fixing slackware on the laptop, calling t-mobile about my stupid phone, thinking about taking my contacts out, listening to blind guardian, trying to remember what song i wanted to hear yesterday, lamenting my lame-ass existence, thinking about hot i am, with this sweater on, ripping the apollo 13 soundtrack, trying to find out if i have a date or not.

oh yeah, and sitting down.
At CVS buying pearl blue nail polish to match the outfit I'm wearing to a wedding tomorrow, nail polish remover, a card, a hair thing, and something else I'm not going to mention. :D
greenfreak said:
If you guess what it is, I'll confirm it.

Hint: it is necessary that I buy this for the wedding tomorrow.

New underwear so you don't have VPL in your dress? :D
Be useful and post something it might be, instead of picking fault with my post.

no wonder folk think we're married