What would you do for a Klondike bar


Well-Known Member
Or for your kids? Last weekend we trekked down south of the border to pick up some supplies. Canned squeeze cheese for V3.0. He's mad on it. And he'll lay a smackdown on anyone touching his can. And V4.0 had to have his BooBerry and Frankenberry cereal. Mum thinks we're effin nuts driving that distance for a bit of cereal and cheese. She may well be right.
Whut fer?

Naw, we make a day of it, doncha know. Pack the screaming, whining kids into the car. Listen to them whine because we won't tell them where we're going. Listen to V3.0 try to convince everyone we're going to GA. Listen to them all scream when we arrive at the border. Listen to them argue about where we're having lunch (Friendly's, Wendy's, Uglies, etc) Drag them about the malls, listening to them beg for everything they see. Blow $200US in the process.

It would spoil the fun.
Just shy of three hours round trip.

If that is really for a shopping trip for so few items, I'm telling Al Gore about you wasteful Canadians. Of course, it is our fault so we shouln't complain.
It's been a while, but I used to hit the border for Mountain Dew...don't know what I was thinkgin :p
The only thing I desire to hit the border for is $10 26ers of orange vodka...but I need to actually spend time in the states to get them back without paying duty on'em.
What would I do for a Klondike bar? I'd drive the 2 minutes to the nearest liquor store.