What ya think about Walken?

I think CW is startung to get more seious about it.

He still looks better than anyone else IMO, including now Nader.
Nader's even farther off his rocker now....there was a time U'd vote for him,
according to the issues, but now now.

walken walken...:hairbang:
well it's like this...
Georgia Republicans slow to embrace McCain as nominee
WASHINGTON - Until a few weeks ago, Georgia Republicans in Congress had greeted John McCain's presidential campaign with telling silence.

Peach State lawmakers had lined up behind Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee or stayed out of the race altogether. None had endorsed the Arizona maverick who has so often bucked the party's conservative core.

That's beginning to change now that McCain has all but sealed the nomination. But Georgia's GOP delegation remains lukewarm about his presumed perch at the top of the party's ballot. Some say it's an open question whether conservative voters in the state will embrace him come November.

``I think a lot's going to depend upon who his running mate is and what he does between now and November,'' said Rep. Paul Broun, R-Athens. ``But certainly I'd rather see a President McCain than a President Clinton or President Obama.''

many states feel the same in my estimate.

it's just damned sad.
I'm still not behind McCain. May never be.
I despise voting against in stead of for....I'm not doing it again.
I guess it'll tear votes away from a major party, but I'm sick of it.
well it's like this...
Georgia Republicans slow to embrace McCain as nominee


many states feel the same in my estimate.

it's just damned sad.
I'm still not behind McCain. May never be.
I despise voting against in stead of for....I'm not doing it again.
I guess it'll tear votes away from a major party, but I'm sick of it.

We are, still once again, faced with a bunch of incompetent boobs from which we have to hold our nose and choose the one we feel will damage our country the least.
incompetent? how so?

Oh, they are highly competent if you want higher taxes, more government intervention in your life, more socialistic programs, more government waste, more government corruption, more limitations on your rights and freedoms, more police powers not enumerated in the constitution, more attacks on American businesses, more perks for special interest groups, more pork barrel projects like bridges to nowhere. Need I go on?

Also note that I did not specify any party or political affiliation. They are all as bad as the others.
no I don't

Then not voting is the only other option which then gives one vote to the opposition -- whatever that may be.

Look at what you are going to have to choose from:

Barack Obama: Elected to the Senate in 2004 it has taken him less than three years to be voted the most liberal senator in the United States Senate -- surpassing even Ted Kennedy -- by the "National Journal". The far left wing rag "Mother Jones", however says he "... he was the 10th and 16th most liberal senator. That is likely a truer representation of his politics."

John McCain: Has been not only known to cross the aisle but to put on the uniform and march lockstep. He was one of the notorious Keating Five and a member of the "Gang of Fourteen". He is a RINO of the first and last stripe. Working together with left wing liberal hacks like Kennedy and Feingold he has managed to trample the First Amendment with the help of the sitting president who likely thought McCain-Feingold would be shot down in the SCoTUS -- which it was not. Together with Kennedy he hoisted the no child allowed to proceed act.

Hillary Clinton: A cuckold of the first order. A laughing stock throughout America for her many embarassments at the hands of her philandering husband she stands as the epitomy of what NOT to do as a cuckolded wife. She cannot keep her own house in order and wants to bring that same lack of order to the White House. She wears her albatross about her neck proudly and didn't have the good sense, wherewithal, or moral terpitude to throw it off and divorce herself from it once and for all.

So go out and vote proudly for which incompenent you choose.
Then not voting is the only other option which then gives one vote to the opposition -- whatever that may be.

nope wrong again.
there are other parties and always a write-in I think.

some say it's throwing a vote away, but I don't see it that way.
nope wrong again.
there are other parties and always a write-in I think.

some say it's throwing a vote away, but I don't see it that way.

It is not throwing your vote away at all. It is, however, giving that vote to someone who does not have a chance in Hell of winning. It is a protest vote as it were.

The Libertarian Party could do great things if they would simply change a couple of planks in their platform, stop hoisting congressional and presidential candidates, and start spending that money on those vying for lower offices who have a chance at winning. Their problem is that they want it all and thay want it now and that is only accomplished by starting at the top. Until they realize this error in thinking they will never be a viable party.
that kind of thinking is exactly what empowers the 2 big parties.
I won't subscribe to it.

How many times have you had someone, upon hearing the Libertarian Partey mentioned, say that they simply can't go along with their ideology as long as they keep their drug policy plank in the platform? Do you realize how many people would flock to the LP if they simply discarded that one single plank?
Anyway...back on topic.

I actually prefer walken to drivin if the distance is not too great. Good for your health AND for the environment...:lol2: