What ya think about Walken?

I though it was rather jingly. :D

How many times have you had someone, upon hearing the Libertarian Partey mentioned, say that they simply can't go along with their ideology as long as they keep their drug policy plank in the platform? Do you realize how many people would flock to the LP if they simply discarded that one single plank?
It doesn't matter just a whole lot anyway, the biggest wigs already know
one of two Will get it, and there's not enough fraud oversight at the polls.
(in some states)
Then there's the delegate bs.
Popular vote is the only Real vote.
Then not voting is the only other option which then gives one vote to the opposition -- whatever that may be.

Look at what you are going to have to choose from:

Barack Obama: Elected to the Senate in 2004 it has taken him less than three years to be voted the most liberal senator in the United States Senate -- surpassing even Ted Kennedy -- by the "National Journal". The far left wing rag "Mother Jones", however says he "... he was the 10th and 16th most liberal senator. That is likely a truer representation of his politics."

John McCain: Has been not only known to cross the aisle but to put on the uniform and march lockstep. He was one of the notorious Keating Five and a member of the "Gang of Fourteen". He is a RINO of the first and last stripe. Working together with left wing liberal hacks like Kennedy and Feingold he has managed to trample the First Amendment with the help of the sitting president who likely thought McCain-Feingold would be shot down in the SCoTUS -- which it was not. Together with Kennedy he hoisted the no child allowed to proceed act.

Hillary Clinton: A cuckold of the first order. A laughing stock throughout America for her many embarassments at the hands of her philandering husband she stands as the epitomy of what NOT to do as a cuckolded wife. She cannot keep her own house in order and wants to bring that same lack of order to the White House. She wears her albatross about her neck proudly and didn't have the good sense, wherewithal, or moral terpitude to throw it off and divorce herself from it once and for all.

So go out and vote proudly for which incompenent you choose.

You actually didn't address competence for any of the three candidates.

Also, since you've been so anal with some other member's posts recently I'll point out your spelling errors:

"epitomy" should be "epitome"
"terpitude" should be "turpitude"
"embarassments" should be "embarrassments"

You actually didn't address competence for any of the three candidates.

Also, since you've been so anal with some other member's posts recently I'll point out your spelling errors:

"epitomy" should be "epitome"
"terpitude" should be "turpitude"
"embarassments" should be "embarrassments"


golly, well the third of those could be a typing error, but the first two... yeeeesh.
You actually didn't address competence for any of the three candidates.

Perhaps because there is none.

I was looking at this today & it occured to me that the only one that could almost fill Mrs Bills slogan is McCain.

He has over twenty years in Washington politics. The other two are nowhere near that.

How horrible.

This'll be the, what, first, Senator to fill the Presidency since JFK?
one has to wonder if, given their standards, either peel or gonz would themselves be "competent."

methinks these are judgements by labor about a management they've never attempted themselves.
You actually didn't address competence for any of the three candidates.

If you consider being the most liberal senator in the Senate "competence" when that competence will buy you higher taxes, more social programs, and more squandering of the national treasure then he is VERY competent.

Hillary Clinton does not have the competence to keep her own home and homelife in order. You want to bring that kind of competence to the nation's highest office -- again?

Look up "Keating Five" and see what kind of competence McCain has.

Also, since you've been so anal with some other member's posts recently I'll point out your spelling errors:

"epitomy" should be "epitome"
"terpitude" should be "turpitude"
"embarassments" should be "embarrassments"


Well caught. The first, I know better. The second, I misspelled and might do so again. The third, I argued with myself as to whether it had one "r" or two. Lost that argument.

The difference is that you are not trying to skirt an issue by bring this up; and I am in no way miffed at what I consider constructive criticism. Never claimed to be perfect -- just nearly so. :p
one has to wonder if, given their standards, either peel or gonz would themselves be "competent."

methinks these are judgements by labor about a management they've never attempted themselves.

I am competent at what I do. These three are not competent at what they claim they can do.

I have never claimed the competence to be President. I do, however, as "labor" have the right to demand competence from those who would desire to be the human on this planet who is second only to God. There is no room for incompetence in that role.
you obviously have no experience trying to get shit done within managerial circles in a large organization, private or gubmint.

i interact with clients all the time who are highly competent, intelligent, driven individuals who are unable to adopt what they know is the right approach to a business problem, because of structural constraints and conflicting interests ("we can't make that when we've got a plant in newark making something sorta similar that we just retooled!").

you're obviously qualified to comment on someone's cashiering competence, and CAD competence perhaps as well, and... running a motel, right? but other than that, you are, to again invoke a favorite metaphor, the pudgy, pizza-faced twelve-year old in the schoolyard telling the other kiddies how to please the ladies.
you obviously have no experience trying to get shit done within managerial circles in a large organization, private or gubmint.

Which is a part of why I drive trucks. The red tape & office politics were too much for my feeble mind to deal with.

My favorite line to a perspective employer , when asked some variation of "What is the Worst part of Your Job" is, Management. I then get the obligatory wondering stare & small laugh before I explain that...give me the assignment, the tools & get the fuck out of my way. I will finish my task with a minimal of problems if management quits having meetings, memos, emails & other stupid crap that gets in the way of progress. I don't need guys in ties...I need workers.
I wish I had kept track of how my 22ton-ers I've loaded By Hand when I worked
at Fieldale chicken plan.
Looking back on it....in the prime of my physical life....that was a spectacular,
mostly unappreciated feat over 5 years.

edit: I had been known for loading one fully in an hour, alone....line-run.
If you consider being the most liberal senator in the Senate "competence" when that competence will buy you higher taxes, more social programs, and more squandering of the national treasure then he is VERY competent.

Hillary Clinton does not have the competence to keep her own home and homelife in order. You want to bring that kind of competence to the nation's highest office -- again?

Look up "Keating Five" and see what kind of competence McCain has.

You still didn't address competence really for any of them.

Bush is less liberal than Clinton was but yet Bush has squandered FAR more of the national treasure.

I see no evidence of Hillary not being able to keep her home in order. Her husband cheated on her which means he did something wrong. Unless you like to blame victims. It also has nothing to do with competence in the workplace.

The Keating Five is evidence of corruption, Possibly incompetence at not getting caught. General job incompetence? Maybe, but a bit of a stretch.
You still didn't address competence really for any of them.

Bush is less liberal than Clinton was but yet Bush has squandered FAR more of the national treasure.

I see no evidence of Hillary not being able to keep her home in order. Her husband cheated on her which means he did something wrong. Unless you like to blame victims. It also has nothing to do with competence in the workplace.

The Keating Five is evidence of corruption, Possibly incompetence at not getting caught. General job incompetence? Maybe, but a bit of a stretch.

Hillary has been cuckolded by Bill over, and over, and over, and over ... ad nauseum. You make it sound like he did it one time and she forgave him.

Gennifer Flowers

Paula Jones

Kathleen Willey

Dolly Brown


And you can't tell me he wasn't boffing Marc Rich's wife for that pardon.
Nah, it's horrible when 20+ years as DC pol makes you the most qualified for anything. Qualifed is not the same as competent.