What's changed?

i joined in april 2002. i finished a masters, went looking for work abroad. failed in that so came home and got a job at home. moved house, moved house again. i think the only constant is the missus :)
Well let's see...

I've joined hwc in 200 and otc in 2002 and since then I have been diagnosed with a neuromuscular disorder, split up with my wife after we have been together for 12 years, fell in love with a different woman who recently had to move away and to top it all off I have had to work overtime for months now and it looks like it will be that way for a few months yet to come. My life is killing me slowly.
I had to look at my HWC profile. But I joined HWC in April 2000, OTC in April 2002. But I hadn't actually started posting at otc until like last year or something.

I only have 156 posts total at HWC. In 2000, I knew nothing about the internal workings of computers. I found HWC while looking for websites that could help me learn more about computers.

I joined OTC when it first started.
I got my current job in Sptember of 2000, moved to my current house in May 2001. Witnessed 9/11 in front of my tv with my mom.

Ever since then though, I've just been in a monotonous grind. Same job, same house, no gf, get up, go to work, come home, sleep, repeat.

I think a lot will be changing pretty soon. Some long term bills I had are finally coming to an end, my brother got a high paying job he likes. I've been thinking of quitting my job, and I plan to start college pretty soon.
joined HWC in april '00, here in december of '02, a bunch of others since. as a result i do rather poorly at all of them. i've been to 2 colleges, graduated one; learned linux, got in shape, and become more of a jaded realist.
in a manner of speaking yes. fury and a few others set this place up a couple of years after ot was closed at hwc, and not long before the eleventy billionth question at hwc as to where was the ot forum, was it coming back, why wasn't it coming back, it was better when it was there can we have it back [etc until bored].
i remember that :D a few months ago, i was just browsing HwC and saw the same question...still :eek:
some people never learn...
Joined HWC in 2000, lurked here for quite awhile (a year or so) before joining. Was over at JJR for about a year before D-Day. My account was deleted when HWC upgraded the boards, but I remember the OT days there. :D

Since then I've been donig the college thing. Started working in retail for experience in the tech field and quickly realized I had a nowhere job. Got a small job as a sysadmin for a local university and grew enough to start supporting area businesses.

What do I see thats changed? The colors. :D
i don't exactly remember when i joined JJRs, but i was quite happy there until "luis g and his lightning" struck ;)

then, on a tip from Q, i moved on here, and settled in comfortably :D thanks, Q, wherever you are :hugs:

i went from a single free woman to being married with two children :eek:
Joines HWC in *peeks there to check* 7-14-2000; JJR by Jan-2001;
Xi by Jun-2001, more or less(lurked there half an year before joining); OTC by Apr-2002.
From 2000 to this day I learned a lot about computers, improved my English a lot, made some cool friends around the world ;), switched jobs twice, and most of all:
I turned from a lifeless, hopeless 28 year-old senile man, into a getting-younger-every-day 32 boy :)
I'm such a late bloomer. I didn't come to OTC until August 2003.

I've been working at the same crappy job that is slowly killing me since the beginning. I'm searching for something new - and have finally branched out to look in other places (might be heading your way Tonksy!).
I'm still in love with the same man who talked me into coming to OTC almost a year ago. He is still a big mess - and although I managed to get myself out of that whole situation for a few months, last week I fell right back in. So I guess I'm still foolishly wearing the same rose colored glasses that I was wearing almost a year ago!
Other than that, I almost lost my dog and now have to give him insulin twice per day and have done a lot of travelling here in the last few months. Not too much exciting, but it's my life! :D
I joined in Jan of 2003. A lot has changed here since then. I remember when this was all green and set up differently. I also remember when we all had to chose the OTC logo, and got the headbanger. I used to post an insane amount each day, but I've been more and more lazy, even though I try to post whenever I can.

A lot of stuff has happened in my life as well. I graduated from middle school, got out of a verbally abusive relationship, survived one year of high school so far, got a varsity C letter for track, began working out everyday. and my mom is going to quit smoking, she's using the patch.
There's more but those are the most important.
I only joined HWC after I had joined all of the other boards and I only posted a couple times to ask a couple very specific questions...I guess I'm backwards from many here...
I am probably one of the least old-school old-schoolers here, as my origins didn't start at HWC... My first messageboard, ever was the one at Q3arena.com, and it was sometime in the summer of 1999-ish (because I remember when I got my first own computer that was able to play any good 3d games) - I found a lot of cool people there, then a couple script kiddies caused some trouble on the site and made the admins turn the main forum into an invite-only deal. After about a couple years of that, they reopened it and pissed off the entire crowd; force3d was born which involved exoduseses from Q3arena (.com and .net) and HWC - some of the HWC crowd led me to Xi where I ended up becoming an administrator, learning a programming language, making a lot of good friends, etc... In that time, people close to me have died and been born just as greenie said, I've started college (started off with a bang, if i may say so myself :D), moved a couple times, and gotten a bit wiser.

Basically everything changed. And how quickly... I probably would've never known so much about computers and web design (and thus started this place, started making money off of my skills, or started college to make more money) if I hadn't googled for a resource for Quake 3. Interesting how things work out sometimes, eh? :D

Sorry, got a bit long-winded there. Just a little touch of nostalgia :lloyd:
hehe i started in 99 first at HWC's sister site for win98 then HWC for hardware. from there i went to Xi after the big fall and also setteled at force3d and OCN. about 3 months later i took over XI as owner. then in april of 2002 fury and i started this place. In 2003 i took over another site racing-forums. Now all i do is work. :)