What's the youngest you've pretended to be, and gotten away with?

Ok...so lemmee get this straight...mean can use lotion as a lubricant for their own hand and johnson but the minute it gets used for it's intended purpose it's not manly?
HomeLAN said:
Not in my world.

There are many, many situations in which the screwing you're getting isn't worth the screwing you're getting - catch my meaning? Real men recognize those. :lloyd: Being forced to use "moisturizing products" has crossed the border, dude.

I have never been TOLD to use it, I like looking good for my lady, simple.

I also use conditioner, and gel, and shave regularly, all of my own volition, it's not like I am getting a bikini wax.
tonksy said:
Ok...so lemmee get this straight...mean can use lotion as a lubricant for their own hand and johnson

Also not in my world. :p

Never had to resort to that type of "aid" when masturbating.
"sides considering "going metrosexual" gets you tried and convicted.

Your man card, dude. *snaps the scissors open and shut*
HomeLAN said:
"sides considering "going metrosexual" gets you tried and convicted.

Your man card, dude. *snaps the scissors open and shut*


I can fix stuff, I just like looking good while doing it.

fixing kids bikes, strategically placed grease on my face :brow:

and no, i did NOT fix the bikes to get laid, I fixed it to make the kids happy
paul_valaru said:
I have never been TOLD to use it, I like looking good for my lady, simple.

I also use conditioner, and gel, and shave regularly, all of my own volition, it's not like I am getting a bikini wax.

Oh man, it's all soooo wrong.
Fixing kids bikes so the SO will more willingly put out is fine. It's the one-two of metrosexualism and moisturizing products. Before we know it, your hair will be in curlers.

Fork it over.
HomeLAN said:
Fixing kids bikes so the ex will more willingly put out is fine. It's the one-two of metrosexualism and moisturizing products. Before we know it, your hair will be in curlers.

Fork it over.

Whose ex is putting out?
*is not and would not ever be making demands/suggestions/hints with the veiled (empty) threat of not putting out*

*had to say it*

/and now back to your regularly scheduled programming
I'm 21. I have never pretended to be younger than I am.

I have pulled off pretending I was older to buy beers years ago.
People at the casino are always a pain in my ass "What's your full name?" "What's your postal code?" POSTAL CODE?! I have two postal codes...one here in Hamilton and my permenant one in Brampton which is what's on my licence...they're both very similar...when he asked me I had to think very hard to get it right, he then proceeded to say "Good memory"...WTF most people DO know their postal code I would think...I just have trouble cause I have two...was he mocking me? Did he not believe it was me? Stupid casino security.
Oh, Lord have mercy. You young'uns are killing me. ROTFL

Some people who don't know me have difficulty believing I'm 60. Most try to make me 50. I think I'd like to do my 50s over again --- and have a hell of lot more fun this time. ;)
Nixy said:
People at the casino are always a pain in my ass "What's your full name?" "What's your postal code?" POSTAL CODE?! I have two postal codes...one here in Hamilton and my permenant one in Brampton which is what's on my licence...they're both very similar...when he asked me I had to think very hard to get it right, he then proceeded to say "Good memory"...WTF most people DO know their postal code I would think...I just have trouble cause I have two...was he mocking me? Did he not believe it was me? Stupid casino security.
I can't get ID'd there when I try.

Never have, never will. :(