what's your current/biggest beef with windows?


Not really Banned
ok, having been forcibly re-initiated into windows land i've come to loath anew all the flakiness and criminally braindead nuances of windows. even those of you who've yet to be exposed to a non-microsoft existence can admit that there are things about windows that drive you nuts. so lets hear em. and if you're gripe is that windows is a crashing, buggy, POS, then save yourself the typing and just post the horse :horse:

my gripe is the lack of virtual desktops. when i fire up the laptop in the morning and within 10 minutes have 6 application windows trying to share the same desktop space i just want to cry.

ok, second rant. the copy/paste function in MS office is without a doubt the most inconsistent and worthless thing i've ever seen.
You can get virtual desktops in Winders XP. Cruise on over to Microsoft's website and download the XP Power Toys. After you install the virtual desktop toy thingie, right click on your taskbar and the go to Toolbars. In here click on Desktop Manager and you'll see some really dumbass looking blue dots come up on your taskbar down near the time and all the crap ya got running (next to "MSVD"....like I didn't know what the fuck it was to begin with). The only problem is background images. If you have any kind of background image, that image WILL get stretched and WILL be on all desktops....unless someone else out there can figure out how to make it do otherwise that is.
nada, zilch, noway, sorry. Your, in the fine words of the amazing developers at Microsoft, shit outta luck pal.
Hmmm... I have to say both :horse: and the fact that it prevents a lot of programs from being made for sensible OSes like Linux and UNIX instead of that fucking POS.
ok, second rant. the copy/paste function in MS office is without a doubt the most inconsistent and worthless thing i've ever seen.

I really don't have any trouble with that. I agree that XP is a step backwards from 2K (so why am I studying for the XP test?). Biggest complaint... I guess that you have to actually buy other products (ie office, photoshop, etc.) to make it useful.
tommyj27 said:
any chance the 2000 power toys have that? i refuse to touch XP anymore.
If you've got an Nvidia card, the latest drivers from them include it. Not sure that they work under 2k, but I would assume so.

Don't really have a whole lot of major gripes about Winders these days, would like a better control panel that you don't have to hunt to find stuff, but that's about it.
My biggest bitch is the slew of viri that are coming out. Sometimes it makes me want to go back to Win3.x since at least then I know I wouldn't have to worry about it since none of the viri affect it. Makes one love Linux.
Language/keyboard switches - try changing a language or a keyboard without it switching back of its own accord if you happen to switch programs...even Alt-Tabbing it back and forth.

Beyond that...the auto-formatting of word docs...especially bulleting!! Stop adding fuckin' bullets where I don't want them...if I wanted fuckin bullets or numbered lists, I'd do it myself!!!

Viruses, popups, and spam...MS must love those cause no matter how HUGE they make their programs, the still can't manage to add a 500k spam-guard on Outlook, a 250k pop-up killer fot IE, and in integrated anti-virus for Win itself!!
MrBishop said:
Language/keyboard switches - try changing a language or a keyboard without it switching back of its own accord if you happen to switch programs...even Alt-Tabbing it back and forth.

Beyond that...the auto-formatting of word docs...especially bulleting!! Stop adding fuckin' bullets where I don't want them...if I wanted fuckin bullets or numbered lists, I'd do it myself!!!

Viruses, popups, and spam...MS must love those cause no matter how HUGE they make their programs, the still can't manage to add a 500k spam-guard on Outlook, a 250k pop-up killer fot IE, and in integrated anti-virus for Win itself!!

No effective remote administration. Activation and Licensing (no, not for using illegal copies, but for actual business purchasing). Visual themes. Lack of command-line control. Akward updating procedures. An even more akward user privledge structure. And more importantly.....DRM.
I actually have only one gripe about M$ and its the Virii and such but that cannot be completely (although it could be handled better) blamed on M$!

BTW if you really want M$ to implement AV, spam guard, pop-up blocker and the such than you need to first talk to the courts because if they included that it would be anti-competitive to the independent developers!
Mirlyn said:
No effective remote administration. Activation and Licensing (no, not for using illegal copies, but for actual business purchasing). Visual themes. Lack of command-line control. Akward updating procedures. An even more akward user privledge structure. And more importantly.....DRM.
so true, when i had to install windows, my legit copies of office came up with that activation garbage. then when i tried activating it i got some communications error, i just said fuck it.
tommyj27 said:
so true, when i had to install windows, my legit copies of office came up with that activation garbage. then when i tried activating it i got some communications error, i just said fuck it.
About half of my activations end up being performed over the phone because someone before me tried to install it and screwed stuff up.

rrfield said:
No real gripes here, Windows shortcommings help keep me employed!

:lol: Damn straight. :headbang: