When a cop says STOP!!

outside looking in said:
Sorry, I'm not buying that at all. You directly attacked the officer's intelligence when calling into question his IQ. And you didn't refer to an act as "stupid" but instead used the word "stupidity" which refers to a person, not an act.

Perhaps you didn't mean to call him stupid, but you sure as hell did.

And you stuck two seperate comments together to make it read what you wanted it to. That's called taking a quote out of context. And as for wether you buy it or not ... 'fraid I don't particularly git a rat's patotie. I said what I said. It's up there plain as day. You read what you want into it.
Stuck two separate comments together? Out of context? Puhlease. Here's part of the original text and your direct comment on the passage...

Leljedahl said there is no age policy for the use of pepper spray....
Maybe there should be an IQ policy for it's use.
Yes, you said what you said, and it is plain as day. Yes, I'm reading into that what I want to. Geez. And taking it out of context, no less. C'mon prof. :rolleyes:

Look, it was no big deal to call him stupid. That's your opinion. I couldn't believe you would have that opinion, but you're certainly entitled to it. But it bugs me when someone says something, and the next few words are "I never said..."
Prolly Mrs. Gonz doesn't either. I don't know if she'd be all that happy to know Gonz is blabbing details about her cooter. :D
MY wife does NOT have a COOTER :D

and I never said squat about it either..but no, she doesn't read this drivel.