When is abortion the killing of a human being?(read careful)

When does abortion become the equivalent of killing a human

  • Abortion is murder at any stage

    Votes: 12 92.3%
  • It's ok up to one month

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Up to six weeks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Up to two months

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Up to three months

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Up to four months

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Up to six months

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I did qualify that with "unless he wants to make an appearance." I'm sorry, the bible doesn't go into the issue of when life begins, and the issues of abortion. You can "interpret" what you will, but still its an interpretation, and it also assumes a lot of other things, like your religion is the "one true religion" that the bible is in fact the basis for all law on this planet. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Its not my place to judge, but what of opposing religions, what of atheists? If you dont' believe in it, you have a problem barring an appearance from Him in person, now don't you?

the easiest way to decided this issue is to more clearly define "human being" and when "life" begins. But thats easier said than done isn't it?

There are those on both sides of this issue, and each side as its own set of arguments for one definition or another. This cannot be "solved" you are only left with opinion no matter how this is debated.

Again, for the religous, who think they have the answer, well, not exactly. You still have only YOUR opinion. My opinion is in line with yours, but its still just an opinion, no more "correct" than the opposition.
My choice isn't up there, so I'll give it out here.

Abortion at any time before 8 years of age is too soon. It's at that age you find out what you're dealing with. If you're child never listens to you, spends time cursing out grown-ups, and acting a fool in public, then that's when you take him by the hand and say, "I can see that you're not going to be an asset to society, so get dressed, we're going down to the clinic..." :D
dicussions of the bible came up now does it state when life began? im asking cause ive had no experience with the bible. also one of the commandments is thou shall not kill. but that is killing a living being so i can see where many esp those that are religious would take a pro life stand. howver i hate to say this as i know people will be offended but the bible was the justification for many people being murdered.
MitchSchaft said:
That commandment is thou shalt not murder. It wasn't translated properly.
Exactly. Murder is to go out there and kill someone because you don't like him. Killing is fine if it is justfied, and I agree with that. Its just that the Spanish went too far with justified IMHO.
it's ok if it is withing the first month.

it isn't a human being with complete neuronal structures to consider it a "human being", to me that'd be just like murdering a plant.
MitchSchaft said:
That commandment is thou shalt not murder. It wasn't translated properly.

thank you for clearing that up i had thought it was thou shall not kill.[/quote]Exactly. Murder is to go out there and kill someone because you don't like him. Killing is fine if it is justfied,
LL when do you feel its justified? im just asking so dont take it as a shot as you know full well when i say when i feel its justified.
I'd take pleasure in killing if it is to protect my family, friends, and country. And of course, my neighbors and my people. If I saw some whacko trying to shoot the two professors in the room, I'd pull my gun and they'd be dead before they get to the second professor.

For those of you that like abortion, here is a link. If you are sensitive to blood, don't go here. Oh and since it "isn't a human being yet", these pictures are just as acceptable as me posting a picture of a finger cut.

Seems to me that the Pro-Life people always have the sickest pictures.
PuterTutor said:
Seems to me that the Pro-Life people always have the sickest pictures.
I'm not a pro-lifer... I'm against abortion and for the death penalty. Pro-life means for life. Since I'm for capital punishment I can't be a pro-lifer.
Ok, those anti-abortion people always seem to have the sickest pictures. Better??
PuterTutor said:
Ok, those anti-abortion people always seem to have the sickest pictures. Better??
Yep, but those are realistic pictures of what doctors see after they murdered the baby.
LastLegionary said:
PuterTutor said:
Ok, those anti-abortion people always seem to have the sickest pictures. Better??
Yep, but those are realistic pictures of what doctors see after they murdered the baby.

Or aborted the embryo, depending on how you look at it.
the fetus on the pics have more than 4-8 weeks, to me it is unacceptable to abort after the 2nd month.
it's murder when the prosecutor determines it's murder.

It's a murderous act when the fetus would be viable, outside the womb & not with the help of machinery.
Luis G said:
the fetus on the pics have more than 4-8 weeks, to me it is unacceptable to abort after the 2nd month.
The first picture is 7 weeks. The second picture is 8 weeks. So, starting at the third picture you object... Thats a start :)
Gonz said:
it's murder when the prosecutor determines it's murder.

It's a murderous act when the fetus would be viable, outside the womb & not with the help of machinery.
As long as you remember that is just an opinion, just like mine.
PuterTutor said:
LastLegionary said:
PuterTutor said:
Ok, those anti-abortion people always seem to have the sickest pictures. Better??
Yep, but those are realistic pictures of what doctors see after they murdered the baby.

Or aborted the embryo, depending on how you look at it.
So why do you find those pictures sick if it is just an embryo, or an unwanted piece of flesh? I assume you don't find a pulled tooth sick...
LastLegionary said:
As long as you remember that is just an opinion, just like mine.

I swear to your God I'll never, ever force you to abort a fetus.
LastLegionary said:
So why do you find those pictures sick if it is just an embryo, or an unwanted piece of flesh? I assume you don't find a pulled tooth sick...
I think they're sick the same way I think that watching the Health channel doing operations is sick. The same way seeing an appendix removed is sick.