When it comes to sleepin', would yer partner say yer a "Cuddler, or a "Loner"?

Extremely effective, with minimal awake-and-no-sleepy-time on my part. :wink2: Works like a charm, every time. Best part is he'll wake up, and doesn't realize it was me. :rofl: Man, I hope he never learns....
Mirlyn said:
Man, I hope he never learns....
The sad thing is, one day he'll figure it out... and then you'll be in trouble....


ash r said:
i agree, jeslek, whoever initially corrupted the term "sleeping with" someone, shoud be shot, even if they're already dead.

sleeping = sleeping.

get laid != having sex
Vortex said:
Mirlyn said:
Man, I hope he never learns....
The sad thing is, one day he'll figure it out... and then you'll be in trouble....



I wish I was only afraid of that. I'm more afraid of him learning and determining the same needs to be done to me.

i grind/clench my teeth in my sleep, too.

i've woken myself up in the middle of the night, with the sound it makes.
sometimes it sounds like i broke a tooth.
i never have actually done that, tho :)
Jeslek said:
Luis G said:
get laid != having sex
Not here. If you say you got laid, it means you had sex. Not just a blowjob, but all out.

I was talking in a literal sense, the expression is used for that, but it doesn't really mean it.
I'm a cuddler when going to sleep and a loner after falling asleep. I only had one boyfriend who didn't mind my leg across his, my arm across his chest, and my head on his shoulder. The rest of them couldn't sleep that way.

I do have to have two pillows; one under my head and the other under my arm. I always fall asleep and wake up in the same position.
I'm a very restless sleeper... I've been known to push people out of bed while I'm still asleep. :)
Ms Lee does pull off the whole Goth look quite well I must say :D
Aunty Em said:
my vampire Calandra
:alienhuh: Role Playing? Or are you keeping skeletons, vampires and other strange things that go bump in the night in your closet :p ?
"Twilight Assassin" is the novel I'm writing. The epilogue and chapter 1 are in the creative forum.