When Karl Rove said.......

If you don't want to hunt down terrorists in Mosul, Ramadi or Al Qa'im, Iraq, would you rather we hunted for them in San Francisco, Las Vegas, Providence or Boston?
Gato_Solo said:
Nope. First I've seen of it. Perhaps you, and the people you hang out with, are the problem, and not society in general...;)

Well, obviously someone else hears it too, that Qu'ran quote was posted by Winky. I don't say these people are a majority, just that they exist and I personally find them little better than the terrorists themselves. Frankly, Gato, I've read such things more than once on this forum.

Winky said:
If you don't want to hunt down terrorists in Mosul, Ramadi or Al Qa'im, Iraq, would you rather we hunted for them in San Francisco, Las Vegas, Providence or Boston?
chcr said:
Well, obviously someone else hears it too, that Qu'ran quote was posted by Winky. I don't say these people are a majority, just that they exist and I personally find them little better than the terrorists themselves. Frankly, Gato, I've read such things more than once on this forum.

Which proves my point quite eloquently. ;)
The Other One said:
What's the big deal? They can dish it out but they can't take it? With philosophies and approaches exposed, it only makes it easier to pick a side.
But, whawhy (I ask for the umpteenth time) must I choose one or the other of the these philosophies? Oh sorry, I forgot there can only be two. :lol:
Go on pick a third or a fourth

make shit up as you go along :rofl3:

who cares

reality is completely subject to your whim

if you think it, it certainly must be so

if your conclusions fly in the face of all evidence, then certainly
the evidence is merely a plot by the vast Right Wing conspiracy!
chcr said:
But, whawhy (I ask for the umpteenth time) must I choose one or the other of the these philosophies? Oh sorry, I forgot there can only be two. :lol:

There can be & are many. However, by the time you pick away all the inane bullshit, it comes down to left or right.
Gonz said:
There can be & are many. However, by the time you pick away all the inane bullshit, it comes down to left or right.

The stuff that you personally agree with, and everything else.

Just as it should be, Mr. McCarthy.
Yeah ain't that a kick in the nutz for them Commie-libs?

Gonz said:
Mr McCarthy turned out to be 100% correct.

:lol: What a great American! Guilty until proven innocent! Perfect! I put that in there just knowing you'd say that. Christ your predictable. Hilarious too. Unfortunate that history has taught you nothing at all. :lol:

You crack me up.

BTW, for the record Mr. McCarthy ruined the lives of any number of people whose only connection to the Communist party was the one in his paranoid delusions.

Thanks, Joe Jr. I'll keep you in mind when I want a character reference.
chcr said:
BTW, for the record Mr. McCarthy ruined the lives of any number of people whose only connection to the Communist party was the one in his paranoid delusions.

Nope. His appraisals of communists working in the Roosevelt administration, among others, has proven to be accurate. He has been tried & convicted by the press for his convictions & FDR is still being hailed for his deconstruction of America.
Ahh, chapter and verse...

As I keep trying to point out, the similarities between liberals and conservatives in America far outstrip the differences.

I hear they're going to put flouride in the water.

nah Chicky it ain't gonna werk

Everyone knows that 95% - 99% of convicted murders, terrorists and rapists are registered Democrats
Considering how much you piss and moan about revisionist history, it's amazing how quickly you embrace it when you think it supports your agenda. :grinno:

I'll say it again; same goals, same methods. Only the rhetoric changes.
chcr said:
Considering how much you piss and moan about revisionist history, it's amazing how quickly you embrace it when you think it supports your agenda. :grinno:

I'll say it again; same goals, same methods. Only the rhetoric changes.

I like the other quote you use where it is the difference is in marketing. But I reluctantly agree since they both seem to want the same but getting there is the problem.