When Karl Rove said.......

freako104 said:
I like the other quote you use where it is the difference is in marketing. But I reluctantly agree since they both seem to want the same but getting there is the problem.

Freak, my real problem is that I don't want what either side is selling. I think I'm going to switch to republican though. Maybe I can help influence who the next president will be. I can't see where the democrats are about to run anyone I can swallow or that will be in any way electable. :shrug:
I am hoping McCain stays in. with the dems well... I will be honest. I feel that they let me down to some level esp when Kerry ran with the Anybody but Bush campaign. It seemed more desperate than anything. I plan to stay as a dem since I think that its the less of 2 evils
Gonz said:
says that man repeating 40 years worth of lies.

"Today we are engaged in a final, all-out battle between Communistic Atheism and Christianity."
--Joe McCarthy

Sounds perfectly sane to me...:lloyd: