Which one


  • Hometime

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Take the money & run

    Votes: 9 47.4%

  • Total voters
home time is where its at. Your boy will be happier. Plus now wont you be a local 414? theyre pretty good.
Inkara1 said:
What are the union dues?

As for restaurants... it doesn't get much cheaper than Taco Bell. :D

Equal to about 2.5 hours/month.

I eat out, alot, due to my job & I am a cheap bastard so Taco Bell is on the list but I can tell you, when I'm at home I despise any fast food whatsoever. It gets old really quick.
I have to go with the home time as well Gonz. A job is a job, but your family and children are more important. If it means cutting back on a few things, so be it, but at least your children won't resent you not being around, especially for the special moments in their lives.
Since you asked...

If you can survive comfortably on the lesser salary, with more time home with the crumb snatcher(s), go for it. You won't regret that. If the salary bump is crucial to your family being able to tread financial waters, you gotta do what you gotta do and bring home the bacon. Only you and your wife know which is which.

Best of luck with it. Not an enviable position.
hmm, considering my singleness, and that being on the road extra days still means a hotel with my laptop and skinemax...what would i need a home for.
Professur said:
You can always quit the union job. You can't quit your kids.
Far too many DO quit their kids....FAR too many!

I'm with Prof and Spirit here.... retirment is about remembering what you did with your kids and family, not about counting coins. I'd rather be poor and have great things to look back on than rich and not know my kid.

1 more vote for Home-time
Winky said:
To bad you've not thought of having both?
I'm trying my best... but sometimes (like in Gonz's case) its a lot of give and take.

I don't live high off the hog, I don't waste money and I try desperatly not to waste my time either. I do try to ensure my future with RRSPs etc...

It'd be nice to have both family time and a well-paying job, but often to get to that well-paying job...you'd better be ready to work mucho overtime, weekends, take no vacation etc...basically take your kicks and smile.

I've done it...worked 12 out of every 14 days for 2 years with no vacation, sick days etc... it helped me buy a house. It also contributed towards my divorce... we never saw each other.

I'll be damned if I'll let that happen again...especially now that I've got a kid.

Whoa!! I'm not sure the union life is for me. Imagine every stereotypical union type lazy slob & you've just joined me in the ABF building.

I asked to see the boss, we had a meeting arranged. He took a vacation day, since he's got a sinus infection or something. He left the DOT Physical paperwork & pee test specimen bottle for me. I decided I had to have absolute answers before continuing this...this...this thing. I asked the woman at the front desk some basic questions about the specific benefits. SHe didn't know. She pointed me to "that guy, he's the shop steward" and said his name. I asked him the same questions. He knew precisley 1% more than she knew. Looking confused that somebody had the gall to ask about these things, he proceeds to inforn me that the unios hall is right around the corner. The she & he talk about whether itr's the first or second left on top of the hill (which might be called a rise if you're in Death Valley).

He then asks if I'm being hired as a casual. I say, no, I applied for a permanent position & he looks really confused. He then asks if I was already a teamster. Fuck no, thinks I. "No", I say. Did he tell you about the $200. initiation fee? I think $200. fucking dollars...are you nuts??? What a load of crap. I say, "no". I thien to proceed to ask about the 401(k) plan, is it administered through ABF or the union. This guy is quite obvioulsy awaiting his union pension & SSA check. The last time I sw a look that confused it was right before I ran over the frog. He mumbles something about, yea, there one but I don't think they match. Since there seems to be a problem, the woman suggests calling da boss at home. Good idea,

He says, in a nutshell, the union handles the benefits so I don't really know what they are. We do match the 401(k) but I don't know how much of a match since management & drivers leveal are different. We hire everybody as casuals, to make sure they work out & (adding bs to look good) to make sure this is the job they think it is & that they want. He then goes on, much as I'm doing here, about the two or three or fifty guys who started & then quit or didn't like it or went to Iraq or blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Huh? Oh, sorry. He finally says he can tell in a week if it's a match & he'll call me in a day ot two to finish some paperwork.

I'm now dizzy with so many stupid peoples stink being around me. I finally catch my breath & ask for the address to the Occupational Health place. They give me cross streets. I ask for the name of the place & after asking 4 people, they figure it out. I slink my way out, hoping that idiocy is not catchable.

Using the handy dandy SUPERGONZO cell phone, I call & ask the Mrs to give me a address. It took her :15 seconds. God I love this woman. I tell her about the experience & she says "Now do you see why I call them yokels". (She'd once worked in the office of a union shop & was introduced to sexual harassment at the same time).

I finished with Quack in the Box, took the ABF paperwork back to them & stopped at the union place. I got answers (not that hard) & information (not that hard) in under 5 minutes. They have pretty good insurance package (health, dental, vision, life) for free. Family is free too. That's what keeps drawing me back. The drop in pay is damn near covered by the lack of insurance costs alone. 4 hours of OT & we're back to square one.

Unions really suck.
Gonz said:
Unions really suck.
So do bosses... if you can find a nice comfy balance, let the rest of us know. I was VP of a union for 6 moths...and it even sucks from the inside too :D

**I was voted VP in absentia - didn't want the gig, didn't ask for it...but I did the job to the best of my abilities...**
They have pretty good insurance package (health, dental, vision, life) for free. Family is free too. That's what keeps drawing me back.

Fuck, yeah that keeps drawing you back. I'm willing to deal with a large amount of shit for the $1,000 a month or more that family coverage costs.
Welcome to the lazy brother-in-law employment network. Upside: Even on days you decide to slack off, they'll still be pissed at you for working too hard and making the lazy jackasses look bad.