Why arachnaphobia exists...

Gato_Solo said:
It's not really a spider...It's related to both spiders and scorpions.

Spiders themselves are related to scorpions, so anything related to spiders is also by necessity related to scorpions.
a13antichrist said:
Gato_Solo said:
It's not really a spider...It's related to both spiders and scorpions.

Spiders themselves are related to scorpions, so anything related to spiders is also by necessity related to scorpions.

I meant on the species level, not the genus level. :rolleyes:
BTW...killed another one last night. Those things are appearing quite often of late. The folks on the 'day' shift actually aught one, and put it in a 5-gallon water jug with a black scorpion, a rather large grasshopper/locust, and a few ants. By morning, the scorpion and the camel spider had killed each other off, and the grasshopper/locust was still alive. The ants were feasting on the scorpion. :eek:
Gato_Solo said:
a13antichrist said:
Gato_Solo said:
It's not really a spider...It's related to both spiders and scorpions.

Spiders themselves are related to scorpions, so anything related to spiders is also by necessity related to scorpions.

I meant on the species level, not the genus level. :rolleyes:

Well in that case you can't say that it isn't really a spider.. :p
Gato_Solo said:
put it in a 5-gallon water jug with a black scorpion, a rather large grasshopper/locust, and a few ants. By morning, the scorpion and the camel spider had killed each other off, and the grasshopper/locust was still alive.

Beware of the seemingly harmless ants, I bet they're a new killer breed and the recent spate of your spider/scorpion things are the survivors fleeing the area after the ant take-over.. :evilgrin:
Nah. I watched some of the fight. The camel spider attacked the scorpion, and got stung 5 times in rapid succession. The camel spider died in about 10 minutes. The scorpion hung on for about 3 hours. :eek:
chcr said:
Man, you guys are starved for entertainment, huh?

Sounds like pretty damn cool entertainment to me..
Insect battles are the best....ringside seats all around.

I was once lucky enough to witness (over about 2 hours) a battle between red and black ants just outside my old apartment. I had been on the balcony when I saw what looked like two oil spills oozing towards each other...went downstairs to check it out (vacation is great ain't it) and had myself a blast...Ants are vicious!!! Biting each other's head's off and walking away with the bodies, stealing eggs, missing legs, torn antanae...I had to go back upstairs for my lawn chair and another beer before it was almost over...people thought I was strange, until they took a closer look...that war had itself about 4 onlookers at a time, mostly kids and moi. :)

Ants RULE!!:headbang:
Gato_Solo said:
It's not really a spider...It's related to both spiders and scorpions.

wich are both arachnids so theyre already related arent they??

scary in a way but cool too.
habanero said:
Spiders are good people

spiders are cool but some can be aggressive little bastards.