Why is it...

i've never seen any wars over toilet seat positions in my house... i live with my parents, and we always put the seat AND the lid down after each use of the thing.
i think it's cos we dont want the cats to get in there.
stupid cats

i've done the not-paying-attention-holy-christwagons-i-almost-fell-in thing at my boyfriend's house, tho, so i imagine if we ever move in again, then talks shall be had.

i think my way is better ^_^ that way, lifting must be done by everyone, both before and after toilet use.
it's fair-er!
MrBishop said:
Promised Cam to post this..and the French say that tehy're cultured folk...feh!

This is a toilet in Paris...blew my mind how anyone can go to an expensive restaurant, go to the loo and have to deal with this!
How exactly do you pee into that? o_O Or take a shit into it for that matter? It looks like a foot massage!
Im sorry....I am really REALLY sorry BUT I agree with Gonz *breaks down crying*

Its entirely unfair that men have to put the seat down but women don't have to lift the seat....it's a two way thing y'know?
so last night i wake up and have to go...it's dark and i'm tired...i stumble to the bathroom...my poor eyes can take the light so i leave it off...yet...somehow...instinctively i know the there is something amiss...the seat is up...so i put it down. my point is is that even in my sleepy haze i thought about where i was putting my fanny. i have almost sat in the bowl before but i don't blame the man, i blame my attention for detail. it's really not a big deal to me, i just look where i sit :shrug:
Ash said:
i live with my parents, and we always put the seat AND the lid down after each use of the thing.

Ah, the confidence of youth. As my son hears, your parents were cool then they had you. :D
Wacky Nacky said:
How exactly do you pee into that? o_O Or take a shit into it for that matter? It looks like a foot massage!

Well...you put your feet exactly where you expect them to go...you face where the camera was. Drop your trousers/skirts etc...and whatever underwear you might be wearing...to your ankles and squat as if you were in the woods. Do your business...pray that you don't get your shoes...pray more that you don't overbalance and fall into what you just did...wipe, stand, dress and flush.

Just like camping except that you don't have to dig the hole or cover it up afterwards. Charming, ain't it?
steweygrrrr said:
Its entirely unfair that men have to put the seat down but women don't have to lift the seat....it's a two way thing y'know?

Dude..we don't....don't let those puppy-dog eyes (or, perhaps, more appropriately, screaming banshee lungs) fool ya. Women are perfectly capable of checking if the cludgy lid is up or down. They wanna win this fight as one of those "I've got him well trained" things they find so important :rolleyes: Don't give in, fight 'em all the way ;) (or risk a lifetime as a henpecked, souless shadow of ya former self :D ).
When I was a young lad, my Mother (who has given birth to 7 boys so far) insisted that the seat be kept UP.


Scenario A: Seat is up. Mother does not pay attention, she sits in water.

Scenario B: Seat is down. Mother does not pay attention, she sits in piss.

Little boys piss on toilet seats.

So do "big" boys. I started taking a can of lysol into the bathroom with me in the dorms to spray down the seats because of it.
Vortex, it's great to see you. Now, where is AlphaTroll, our other South African sister?
steweygrrrr said:
Im sorry....I am really REALLY sorry BUT I agree with Gonz *breaks down crying*

Frankly I'm suprised I've not been picked up on this yet.

Oz said:
Dude..we don't....don't let those puppy-dog eyes (or, perhaps, more appropriately, screaming banshee lungs) fool ya. Women are perfectly capable of checking if the cludgy lid is up or down. They wanna win this fight as one of those "I've got him well trained" things they find so important :rolleyes: Don't give in, fight 'em all the way ;) (or risk a lifetime as a henpecked, souless shadow of ya former self :D ).

Well with women and arguments I have found there is only one inevitable outcome and thats her *thinking* she is right and me going along with it because it's no longer amusing/am feeling suicidal at that point
for us, it's a majority rules issue. When Dad, my brother and I all lived at home, the seat stayed up. Now, with the Missus, Mum and V2.0 outnumbering me, it's down. It'll stay down until Mum moves to the trailer and V3.0 potty trains. But by then, V4.0 will have cast the deciding vote. And if it's a girl ...

Spiffy said:
Im gonna get a urinal fitted.
^____^ I'm glad I don't have to put up with that. I live at an all girl's school. I have my own bathroom at home. So I don't have to worry about falling into the bowl, even though I can fit in it, I'm still lucky! I have brother's who have their own bathrooms, they leave their seats up...it's not pleasant for guests to come to the house and see that. I think it's a lil embarassing since my brother's are old enough and the ppl always ask me.o_O But my 5 yr old sis has fallen into the toliet cuz of my brother.-_-
Because the seat and the lid should BOTH be put down before flushing the toiliet. Didn;'t you see all the specials on TV about th fecal matter that sprays out of the toliet when you flush and how it gets all over the toothbrush and towles and other things in the bathroom?
Yes, I put the seat down for the ladies....I'd expect them to reciprocate and lift the seat when they are done.

And my towels are around the corner from my toilet :p