Will the USA punish Canada?

Gonz said:
MrBishop said:
Will the USA punish Canada?

Well, we might now :D

A Liberal senator has been thrown into the firestorm of shaky U.S.-Canada relations after the Senate's Debates quoted him shouting "Screw the Americans" during a Senate sitting this week.

The quote was attributed to outspoken Senator Laurier LaPierre, who has expressed anti-American sentiments in the past, in the official transcript of Tuesday's Senate sitting. Opposition MPs and senators were quick to jump on the quote as another example of the Liberal government's strong anti-Americanism.


Later verification of the tape showed that he'd said "So are the Americans". Someone was a little quick getting this one outta the starting blocks.
MrBishop said:
Well...it's all over the radio stations over here. Canada didn't join in the war against Iraq, and although we do have support troops in the area dn we're helping free up tropps in Afghanistan, some people feel that Canada itsn't doing enough.

Match that up with the Booing of the American national anthem in montreal two games ago, and what that gives you is a whole bunch of nervous Cannuck woondering if we're about to get us a good ol' spanking from Unca Sam (economically speaking)

So...how do you (as Americans) feel about Canada not joining in the fray, and how will it affect your purchasing habits in the future?

Will this affect your feeling towards Canada at all?

Will you end up painting Canada with the same brush as the French (God forbid)?

:canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada:

no. I feel the countries that had the deals with Saddam I dont have respect for since they helped keep him in power. Canada was against it probably for more altruistic reasons. I will stll have love and respect for Canada and Canadians