Window Into a Terror Suspect’s Isolation


New Member
What is described in this article is nothing diferent then what I have heard of with other prisoners in isolation. If this guy was not considered a bad dude he would not be in the position he is in...
“Today is May 21,” a naval official declared to a camera videotaping the event. “Right now we’re ready to do a root canal treatment on Jose Padilla, our enemy combatant.”

Several guards in camouflage and riot gear approached cell No. 103. They unlocked a rectangular panel at the bottom of the door and Mr. Padilla’s bare feet slid through, eerily disembodied. As one guard held down a foot with his black boot, the others shackled Mr. Padilla’s legs. Next, his hands emerged through another hole to be manacled.

All this on a suspicion. Shows how easily the rights that are taken for granted can be taken away from you, eh.

All this on a suspicion. Shows how easily the rights that are taken for granted can be taken away from you, eh.

Bout time you have your medication adjusted, your paranoid delusions are showing...

If you packed an AK47 and camping with al Qada you would be a suspected also.. This dude was and that is a big suspision...
Doesn't stop the same thing from happening to any American...oh, and he's suspected of doing these things..

Remember "Innocent until proven guilty" ?

Obviously, it took over 21 months of solitary confinement for the authorities to remember that. A small amount in comparison to the Gitmo folx, but still...
MrBishop said:
Obviously, it took over 21 months of solitary confinement for the authorities to remember that. A small amount in comparison to the Gitmo folx, but still...

You have personal knowledge of the treatment of the maniacs in Gitmo?

When he joined al Qada he may have renounced his citizenship, if that happened it's no sweat off my nuts what he is going through...
Big debate over here currently ...the tools needed by the security services to do their jobs ... and due process and rights ... currently confinement without charge is set at 28 days .... the security services want longer.

But - an open ended internment policy? that what you guys have over there in the land of the free?

mind, we had the H blocks here in northern ireland ... :shrug:

The security services need to get their job done ... but until due process is or can be applied, there should be some rights ... i see grey areas all over this debate ...
We do have due process here, but since he is being considered an enemy combative it is another set of rules and procedures.

Consider this, he was questioned several times and if there was doubt that he was not involved he could have been transfered out of isolation at any time, since he had been kept under wraps for as long as it was then there was something to the lockdown...
Where does it say that in the article?

That was a statement of opinion, I could have easily said carrying pansies and a member of the chamber of comerce...

Your post only goes to show that unless the opinion agrees with your attitute it is not understood...Keep it up, your good for laughs...
When he joined al Qada he may have renounced his citizenship, if that happened it's no sweat off my nuts what he is going through...

There's the gist. If is the the whole point behind "Innocent until proven guilty"

Consider this, he was questioned several times and if there was doubt that he was not involved he could have been transfered out of isolation at any time, since he had been kept under wraps for as long as it was then there was something to the lockdown...

This is an assumption on your part...they could easily be keeping him UNTIL they have a reason to press charges.

You have personal knowledge of the treatment of the maniacs in Gitmo?

I was talking about the timeline... 21 months being small in comparison to 3-5 years.

Approximately 750 suspects have been held at Guantánamo Bay. Approximately 250 have been released, or transferred to the custody of their native countries. Some of these were then quickly released, since there was no evidence of involvement in any crimes. The Bush administration continues to classify many of these released detainees as "illegal combatants".ánamo_Bay_detainees <---for a full list
Can't say I have, have read several books by that author...

there are these invisable creatures on this island ...

(hang on a mo ..gotta bleedin double back and remember what the knob i was on about ...)

be back in a mo -


oh yeah ...
Your post only goes to show that unless the opinion agrees with your attitute it is not understood...Keep it up, your good for laughs...

Spike and the dufflepuds! :bgpimp: :rofl:

these guys are called the dufflepuds - they have this stupidity of the highest order sycophantic mass delusional stupidity culture ... the leader, is, as befits such a cabal, the stupidiest of the lot ....

really quite charming vignette, as i recall, anyway - whatever the chief ..they call the leader "the Chief" or just "chief" (if memory serves) ... says no matter how stupid they all pipe up "keep it up chief!", "you're right Chief!" ..."no one could put it better chief - keep it up!"

hah!! that really cracked me up!!! :rofl3:


edit 46 ** :rolleyes: ... they were monopods and jumped/ bounced everywhere ...

btw - no personal offence meant Spike ... though, there was a touch of the quote i thought ... anyway :grinyes: ... the visual in my mind just cracked me up!
That was a statement of opinion, I could have easily said carrying pansies and a member of the chamber of comerce...

Your post only goes to show that unless the opinion agrees with your attitute it is not understood...Keep it up, your good for laughs...

If you packed an AK47 and camping with al Qada you would be a suspected also.. This dude was and that is a big suspision.

You said "this dude was" which is not a statement of opinion. Then you used it to justify torture. But it turns out you made it up.
If you packed an AK47 and camping with al Qada you would be a suspected also.. This dude was and that is a big suspision.

You said "this dude was" which is not a statement of opinion. Then you used it to justify torture. But it turns out you made it up.


Keep up the symantics and putting your spin on somebody elses opinion...