Winter Blast Brings Snow To West LA


New Member
Oh look, global warming....


SANTA CLARITA, Calif. -- Snow fell on the palm trees of West Los Angeles and Malibu Wednesday afternoon as Jack Frost visited the Southland again.
A trillion bazillion quadrillion dollar loss to the west coast citrus crops. Damn, no oranges this year.
Yep oranges are screwed. Avocados and strawberries hit too.

Although I've wondered recently why just about all the orange juice I see in Cali grocery stores is from Florida.
The Florida crop probably came to harvest first. Cali may have been set up to follow the Florida harvest by 2 months for all we know.

I don't know.

Might also be an interstate commerce tax break thingy where imports get a break... or local produce gets the shaft.
Looking into the Florida orange juice in California deal a little I've discovered some shaky evidence that might be true.

Apparently the claim is that Florida grows way more oranges of a "juice variety" while California grows more naval oranges which are meant to be eaten. :shrug:
Hmm.. I seem to recall that as well... but it sure as heck won't keep the juice on the shelves from doubling in price. Its not like we are against importing South American produce in a pinch. Brazil produces more citrus than we do... at least by some 2005 numbers that I've scrounged up.
Oranges and orange juice make me feel good, avocados just rock, and strawberries are like a dessert that's good for you. This sucks.
Lots of CA Execs getting mighty confused right around now.

"I don't know...I put it on the mirror, turned around to get my straw and when I turned was gone!" :(
Oranges and orange juice make me feel good, avocados just rock, and strawberries are like a dessert that's good for you. This sucks.

Grow your own.

We can't do citrus here & I've yet to attempt avacados, though I should. I had (and will again this year) strawberries...The product on your grocers shelves is for emergencies. Tastes like crap-assuming it tastes like anythng at all & id designed for shipping & storage, not eating.
A trillion bazillion quadrillion dollar loss to the west coast citrus crops. Damn, no oranges this year.

The thing to keep in mind, also, is that it takes citrus trees multiple years to recover from this type of freeze. Heck, if it gets cold enough, the moisture inside the trees can freeze and split the trees.

Grapes, on the other hand, will be fine. The vines are dormant this time of the year and thus can withstand temperatures even colder than what's been ahppening. If the freeze came in November, when the plants aren't fully dormant yet, they'd be fucked.
Funny, isn't it? Up here, we fear not having a good freeze. It's needed to get good maple and apples.
Louisiana is a great strawberry producer so it shouldn't be too bad in that department.

Yeah, I had been getting most of my produce from farmer's markets lately since it's fresher and better for the environment to buy local. I think there's going to be a bigger change there than at the grocery store.
If you buy local, it means that millions of pounds of produce doesn't have to get shipped across the country to get to you...saves gas. :shrug: